Docker creates a "virtual machine" within which other software, such as RAVE, runs. This can be useful if you wish to distribute or create archival copies of RAVE, for instance when uploading data to a repository. It is not recommended for day-to-day (production) usage as performance is worse and usage is more complex, as the virtual machine does not have access to the entire file structure. For day-to-day use, please install RAVE on your local machine:
The RAVE docker image may not be updated as frequently as the main RAVE package so it may not contain the latest features.
First, install Docker on your computer This is not necessary if you already have Docker installed on your local machine or if you are using a cloud Docker service.
Next, open a terminal window and run the following command. The first time it is executed, it will download RAVE software and all dependencies. The total size of the image to be downloaded is around 1GB so the first download may take some time. If RAVE is already downloaded, it will not need to re-download and RAVE will start immediately.
docker run --name rave-docker -p 1111:6767 -e NCPUS=4 beauchamplab/rave start_rave
All docker containers must have a unique name (specified with -name) and port # (first value after -p). Docker always uses a fixed port (6767). The port that you specify is forwarded to this port. NCPUS is the number of CPU cores to use for each container instance.
To interact with RAVE, launch a web browser (Google Chrome is recommended) and enter the following address:
Where "1111" is the port number used above.
If the docker instance stops, it can be restarted with
docker restart rave-docker
To stop RAVE-within-Docker, open a terminal window and enter
docker stop rave-docker
If necessary, replace "rave-docker" with the container name specified above after --name .
To list running containers
docker ps
See this page: