Word | Description |
beepro | 物理的に同一のコードベースを複数人で群がって同期的に開発を行う |
bee | Developers who are join to beepro |
honey | honeycomb上に存在しているコードベース |
honeycomb | beeproが適応されているコードベースを管理するサーバー |
dancer | beeの行った変更をhoneycombに対して通知する各IDEのプラグイン |
dance | beeの行なった変更の通知(ファイルのコンテンツ変更、ファイルの追加、ファイルの削除) |
sync | honeyからnectarへの全ファイルの同期 |
nectar | 各beeのローカルに存在しているコードベース |
.beerc | honeycombが初期化時に生成するbeeproの設定ファイル。接続先などの情報をもつ |
nabee | honeycombからcommit, pushするアカウント。蜂蜜を食べ過ぎて、太り気味。 |
- Bee make branch for beepro if it is needed.
- Bee invite nabee to the repository.
- Bee apply beepro by using dancer.
- dancer call honey API to create resource. See Honey API docs
- dancer connect with honeycomb by using URL which response from honey API.
- honeycomb clone repository from origin.
- honeycomb generate .beerc then nabee commit and push to origin. See Dance protocol docs
- honeycomb dance
to dancer. - dancer execute git fetch and pull to download latest code.
- dancer dance
to honeycomb - honeycomb dance
to dancers to tell joined members - dancer dance
to honeycomb. - honeycomb dance to dancer which are queued dances.
- dancer start to enable dance of file manipulation.
- Bee clone the repository or checkout target branch
- dancer detect .beerc on project root.
- dancer connect to honeycomb by using URL which is described in .beerc.
- honeycomb dance
to dancer. - dancer execute git fetch and pull to download latest code.
- dancer dance
to honeycomb. - honeycomb dance
to dancers to tell joined members - dancer dance
to honeycomb. - honeycomb dance to dancer which are queued dances.
- dancer start to enable dance of file manipulation.
- Bee start up IDE
- dancer detect .beerc on project root.
- dancer connect to honeycomb by using URL which is described in .beerc.
- honeycomb dance
to dancer. - dancer execute git fetch and pull to download latest code.
- dancer dance
to honeycomb. - honeycomb dance
to dancers to tell joined members - dancer dance
to honeycomb. - honeycomb dance to dancer which are queued dances.
- dancer start to enable dance of file manipulation.
npm i
npm run plantuml
- preare task files under
directory - Execute below
npm run gentask -- --assignee nabuchi --label web