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Multiplex Network Differential Analysis (MNDA) image

Interactions between different biological elements are crucial for the function of biological systems and are usually represented as networks. The dysregulation of these networks can be associated with different clinical conditions such as diseases and response to treatments. In this work, we propose an R package, called multiplex network differential analysis (MNDA) to quantify and test the variations in the local neighborhood of nodes between the two given conditions (e.g. case-control). We further show examples of finding important subnetworks in gene co-expression networks for response to treatment as well as an use case for individual specific networks (ISNs).

The core of the MNDA tool consists of three steps (Figure 1):

  1. representing the nodes of all networks layers into a common embedding space (using EDNN);
  2. calculate the distance between the nodes corresponding to the same element (e.g. gene);
  3. detect the nodes whose neighborhood varies significantly based on statistical testing (using permuted graphs).

The current MNDA pipeline is designed for two conditions:
a. two-layer network case corresponding to two (paired/unpaired) conditions (e.g. healthy-disease);
b. multi-layer network case (e.g. ISNs) with two matched groups (e.g. before treatment-after treatment).

The future features to be considered:
c. multi-layer network case (e.g. ISNs) with two unmatched groups (e.g. healthy-disease);
d. multi-layer network case each layer with different condition (e.g. temporal networks).

Note: the first step (EDNN) is the same for all the cases but they are different in step 2 and 3.

Note: the network structures for different layers should be the same but different in weights.

Reference: [to be added]


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MNDA will also install TensorFlow and Keras for R, which need to be activated by installation of Miniconda. For this, according to the installation guidline of Keras (here):


This is only required once for the installation.

Apply on simulated networks

MNDA pipeline for condition "a"

To test the mnda package, a toy example multilayer network can be generated using the network_gen() function:

myNet = network_gen(N_nodes = 100, N_var_nodes = 5, N_var_nei = 90, noise_sd = .01)

The process is described as the following:

  1. two identical fully connected networks with N_nodes number of nodes and uniform random edge weights is generated.
  2. a number of N_var_nodes nodes are randomly selected to have different edge weights with N_var_nei number of nodes (N_var_nei $<$ N_nodes $- 1$) between the two networks.
  3. a set of random Gaussian noise with zero mean and sd = noise_sd is generated and added to all of the edge weights.

The generated multiplex network and the set of the randomly selected nodes are accessible by the following lines, respectively.

graph_data = myNet$data_graph
var_nodes = myNet$var_nodes

We then feed graph_data to the MNDA pipeline specialized for a two-layer multiplex network (condition "a"), which is composed of two commands:

embeddingSpaceList = mnda_embedding_2layer(graph_data, train.rep = 50)
mnda_output = mnda_node_detection_2layer(embeddingSpaceList)

the mnda_embedding_2layer() function represents all the nodes in a common embedding space (step 1); and the mnda_node_detection_2layer() function calculates the node-pair distances and assines a p-value to each node-pair (step 2 and 3). This process is repeated train.rep times to improve the robustness.

Usage Example 1: drug response

MNDA pipeline for condition "a"

In this example, we construct gene coexpression networks (GCNs) for drug responders and non-responders. We load gene expression profiles of cell lines of lung cancer as X and a binary vector of their response to the Tamoxifen drug as y.

data = readRDS("Data/GCN2Layer_data_lung_tamoxifen_2000genes.rds")
X = data[[1]]
y = data[[2]]

Next, we construct adjacency matrices of GCN for each condition,

adj_res = abs(cor(X[y=="res",]))
adj_nonres = abs(cor(X[y=="non_res",]))
diag(adj_res) = 0
diag(adj_nonres) = 0

and convert them to the mnda multiplex network format.

adj_list = list(adj_res, adj_nonres)
graph_data = as.mnda.graph(adj_list, outcome = c("res","non_res"))

Now we can call the MNDA pipeline as in the previous example

embeddingSpaceList = mnda_embedding_2layer(graph_data, edge.threshold = .1, train.rep = 50, epochs = 20, batch.size = 10, random.walk = FALSE, null.perm = FALSE)
mnda_output = mnda_node_detection_2layer(embeddingSpaceList, p.adjust.method = "bonferroni")
Nodes = mnda_output$high_var_nodes

hints for large networks:

  • the random walk algorithm can be disabled by random.walk = FALSE for the sake of running time;
  • the network permutation and representation can be disabled by null.perm = FALSE for the sake of running time;
  • the calculated p-values can be adjusted by setting a method in the p.adjust.method argument.

Usage Example 2: application on individual specific networks

MNDA pipeline for condition "b"

In this analysis we consider a set of paired ISNs for two conditions (e.g. before treatment-after treatment) and a set of external variables for each individual (e.g. drug response and sex). The aim is to find nodes whose neighborhood variation between the two conditions is associated with the external variables.

In our example, we use the gene expression profile of blood samples before and after being stimulated with BCG vaccine and E coli. We then find genes whose neighborhood changes (dynamics) have a significant association with their sex. To impute ISNs, we use lionessR R package. We first read the ISN data to create the node list.

data = data.frame(readRDS("Data/ISN_net.rds"))
nodeList = t(sapply(rownames(data), function(x) strsplit(x,"_")[[1]]))

Next, we create the individual variable data frame with three columns: Individual IDs (indecis), stimulation condition, sex (F,M).

y = colnames(data)
y = data.frame(t(data.frame(strsplit(y, "_"))))

We then form the graph_data and call mnda_embedding() function to embed genes into the embedding space.

graph_data = cbind(nodeList, data)
embeddingSpaceList = mnda_embedding(graph_data, outcome = y[,2], indv.index = y[,1],train.rep=2, walk.rep=10, epochs=5, batch.size=100,random.walk=FALSE)

For each individual-gene pair, we calculate the embedding distance between the nodes corresponding to before and after stimulation using mnda_node_distance(). This results in distance matrices of individual-by-gene. Finally, we test the association of sex with the distance of each gene using mnda_distance_test_isn().

Dist = mnda_node_distance(embeddingSpaceList)
Pval = mnda_distance_test_isn(Dist, rep(c(1,2),25))


Any suggestions, collaboration and bug reports are welcome and appreciated. Contact me via

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