Repository of plugins customizing WP Document Revisions as used by the Public Contract Law Journal
- pclj-change-tracker.php - Auto-generates and appends revision summaries for changes to taxonomies, title, and visibility
- pclj-content-filter.php - Displays document metadata on front end
- pclj-current-issue.php - Tells the system what the current issue is so that it can direct users to the proper pipeline
- pclj-force-login.php - Locks down site to non-logged in users
- pclj-label-tweaks.php - Change all wording referring to "Documents" to Articles; does not affect functionality
- pclj-lock-extender.php - Extends the default 2 minutes file lock buffer (how long a file is checked out if nothing is heard) to 5 minutes
- pclj-make-workflow-state-queryable.php - Makes workflow state front-end queryable
- pclj-map-meta-cap.php - Fixes anoyances caused by users not having edit_post permissions
- pclj-notifications.php - Provides notifications to senior editors and up when document state changes
- pclj-recently-modified.php - Widget to display recently revised documents
- pclj-remove-menus.php - Remove unused menus from admin screens
- pclj-state-permissions.php - Permissions based on state in workflow
- wp-document-revisions-aba_editor-custom-field.php - aba editor user dropdown
- wp-document-revisions-abstract-custom-field.php - abstract text field
- wp-document-revisions-author-custom-field.php - author text field (article author, not WordPress author)
- wp-document-revisions-editor-custom-field.php - editor custom taxonomy
- wp-document-revisions-issue-custom-field.php - issue custom taxonomy
- wp-document-revisions-type-custom-field.php - document-type custom taxonomy