- units should change color when they're exhausted
- would be nice if you could step on claims without staking
- remove heal from tasking from units that cannot heal
- obstacles should not have tasking
- getting multiple tech claims provide discount on recruiting
Try scaling grace with units you control, or resource generation rate Claims that give you power ups and deplete over time. (Each time you use ability deplete the claim) Extra claims for the same unit reduce recruitment cost by X (probably 1)
UX Visual treatment for units that can no longer move/attack/heal/do any actions (Probably one for heal, and one for Visual treatment for units currently holding a claim. Icon above their head representing the claim (and its depletion) Ghost of some sort displaying your hovered action (Move, attack, claim) and the cost (for claims at least). Visualization of units attack pattern as red boarders from current position. Goes grey when attack action not available. Movement dots grey when movement actions are exhausted Unit goes grey when all actions are exhausted Hotkeys visualized beside each unit
Going to need to sort of play out opponents turn as like animations... Too hard to track what they did without it. Just do tweens if you have to.
Going to need to sort of play out opponents turn as like animations... Too hard to track what they did without it. Just do tweens if you have to.
grace down to 2 seconds or keep it at 5 but make it so you are not able to select units until your turn
Classic Que = 8x8 maps only
Blitz que 0 second grace
Ranked using the Chess elo system not sure if that's possible
ghost "new" units
if seen by a unit "rock obstacles" will be seen for the rest of the game at hp they were last seen
Simplify the info on tiles also put said info in a pop-up bubble. in said info bubble you should only need (Cost, income, stock) info IMO you can get do away with "Claims", "Stakeholder", "Terrain", Elevation". Elevation can be gone for everything imo that already has a visual
Show attack range around units when selected maybe a Red wall like the White vision one
Pop-up for claiming / just move without claiming to a Claims Tile
CTRL - Z needs to only reset one move/ one set of moves say up to 5 within your turn
Pop-up bubble for unit selected with picture info once on the field • Pawn have a money symbol = stake claims • Rook have a lob attack symbol as it can shoot above/below • Knight (NEW ABILITY RUSH) has a rush symbol with a half damage attack • 2x (bow) = ranged attack symbol for bishop • Queen an eyeball / medic symbols1 heal on a unit per turn, said unit gets an anti heal symbol after heal has been applied* • King should have a group symbol = spawn point
Claim tiles bubble info • Knight: Claim cost, Unlock • Rook: Claim cost, Unlock • Bishop: Claim cost, Unlock • Queen: Claim cost, Unlock • Wheat: Clain cost, income, stock
make it so the side of tiles can't be selected
new indicators scheme
- color sources -- i will yoink the colors from these sources to apply to other stuff
-- whitecolor-team1
-- cyancolor-team2
-- yellowy-orangecolor-angry
-- redcolor-happy
-- green
- liberties
- claims
(some kinda alert)- staking (four corners thing, maybe)
- tech
- resources
- danger and attacks
-- unit on this tile was hurt last turnthreat
-- identifies when your own unit is in dangerattack-arc
-- trajectory of an attack, through the airdead
-- a unit died herehealed
-- unit on this tile was healed last turn
- fog of war
- selection and hover
- moves
- optimize so it's less laggy
- undo one action
- all new indicators and attack arcs
- obstacle vision
- fix games don't end on time expiry
- cache-busting starter script
- fix multitasking systems
- new inspector
- menu with ability to surrender
- endgame state
- game should be frozen, no further turns
- lift the fog-of-war, revealing the whole board state to both teams
- display a game over sign
- add a ui button to leave the match
- 10 second pregame
- deploy
- multi-selection and multi-commands
- control groups
queen healing ability
reveal enemies on attack
resource depletion
inspector ui
linear health bars
decide what to do with investment mechanic
camera starting angle, camera smoothing
turn counter (cycles count)
fog of war visuals
roster unlocks
fix orbitcam cursor desync (limit verticality)
fix annoying dropped websocket rejection error
potential bug:
- leap king into fog of war on high ground, spawn a rook where an enemy is -- glitch!?!?