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Chase Moskal edited this page Sep 16, 2024 · 4 revisions - A New Kind of 1v1 Strategy Game is inspired by Chess and modern RTS games

  • Regis is played with standard chess pieces, but adopts aspects from RTS
  • There are build orders — rushes, greedy economic plays, cheesy all-ins, etc
  • You earn an income each turn — to spend on recruiting more units or making investments
  • The board has terrain features — high ground, low ground, and steps between them which create choke-points
  • There is fog-of-war — you'll have to scout your opponent to see what they're doing

Join our Discord to find people to play with

Regis is in Open Alpha

  • Regis is brand new, and built around the 1v1 matchmaking feature
  • The playerbase is too small for 24/7 matchmaking, so join us on discord and chat with us to find out when people are playing
  • The game is currently in active development, so things are changing all the time
  • Please report any bugs or problems you encounter playing the game

Current limitations:

  • The game doesn't work on mobile yet
  • You need a mouse with a left-click and a right-click
  • You can't customize any hotkeys or anything like that yet

The Rules of Regis


  • You start with only your king, and some resources
  • You win by killing the opponent's king — but you lose if you run out of time
  • You can perform multiple actions during your turn
  • Each kind of chess piece has unique abilities and stats, health points, movement and attack capabilities, etc
  • Units cannot jump up or down cliffs

Resources and claims

  • You earn an income in resources each turn
  • You can spend resources to recruit new units
  • You can stake a claim by placing a pawn onto it, which may cost resources
  • Some claims increase your income, others unlock new units


  • Each unit has a different vision range
  • You cannot see enemy units outside your vision
  • Enemies outside your vision are revealed when they attack you
  • Units cannot see up cliffs (but they can see down cliffs)

It's not exactly an easy game

  • There is a very short time limit — so you need to think and act quickly
  • In Freeplay mode, you can practice your build orders alone and with unlimited time

Consider a simple build order: "The Knight Rush"

  1. Recruit a pawn onto your nearest 🌾 resource 1 claim.
    That will double your income right away, that's a good move.
  2. Recruit another pawn to also stake the ♞ knight claim.
    Staking that claim will cost some more cash, you may need to pass a couple turns to save up for it.
  3. Recruit a couple of knights, when you've got enough money for it.
    Send 'em in to devastate a greedy opponent.

The knight rush is strong against players with an economic build, or players that are trying to rush you with bishops — but it's weak against enemy rook rushes, or enemies who are playing more "standard" by scouting you early and who react fast enough.

Philosophy: The Five Pillars of Strategy

Before we even started building Regis, we spent a lot of time philosophizing about the core fundamentals of what makes a great strategy game.

  1. Maneuvers — the tactics of conducting battles
  2. Composition — choosing which kinds army units to deploy
  3. Investment — ability to sacrifice the short-term for the long-term
  4. Defender's Advantage — a buffer for hedging your bets
  5. Fog-of-war — hidden information provides opportunity for deception

We love chess, but found that it wasn't quite as rich and deep as the RTS games we love. Our first and most driving motivation behind Regis, was our ambition to introduce the concepts of Investment into Chess.

🕹️ Play the game now at
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