HwS project assets available from: https://github.com/twostraws/HackingWithSwift
IntroToSwift - Swift Playground with overview of Swift Syntax
Project 1 - StormViewer: UITableView, UIImageView, FileManager, NavigationController
Project 2 - GuessTheFlag: Assets, UIButton, CALayer, UIColor, UIAlertController
Project 3 - StormViewrShare: Project 1 + social media sharing, UIBarButtonItem, UIActivityViewController, URL
Project 4 - EasyBrowser: loadView(), WKWebView, URLRequest, UIToolbar, UIProgressView, KVO
Project 5 - Word Scramble: Closures, method return values, booleans, NSRange
Project 6 - AutoLayout: NSLayoutConstraint, Visual Format Language, layout anchors Proj6a - Modifying Project 2 to work in landscape mode Proj6b - AutoLayout in code
Project 7 - WhiteHouse: JSON, Data, UITabBarController Includes SwiftyJSON.swift that makes parsing JSON easier
Project 8 - SwiftyWords: addTarget(), enumerated(), count(), index(of:), joined(), property observers, range operators
Project 9 - GrandCentralDispatch: DispatchQueue, perform(inBackground:)
Project 10 - NamesToFaces: UICollectionView, UIImagePickerController, UUID, classes, iOS Photo Library Includes custom view (CollectionView cell) and custom Class (model style)
Project 11 - Pachinko: SpriteKit, physics, blend modes, radians, CGFloat, NSKeyedUnarchiver
Project 12 - UserDefaults: UserDefaults, NSCoding, Codable, NSKeyedArchiver 12a - Uses NSCoding, NSKeyedArchiver, NSKeyedUnarchiver (objC) 12b - Uses Codable, JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder (swift)
Project 13 - Instafilter: Core Image, UISlider, writing to the photo library
Project 14 - Whack-a-Penguin: SKCropNode, SKTexture, asyncAfter()
Project 15 - Animation: Core Animation, CGAffineTransform
Project 16 - JSInjection: Safari extensions, UITextView, NotificationCenter
Project 17 - SwiftyNinja: SKShapeNode, AVAudioPlayer, UIBezierPath, custom enums
Project 18 - Debugging: print(), assert(), breakpoints, and view debugging
Project 19 - CapitalCities - MKMapView, MKAnnotation, MKPinAnnotationView, CLLocationCoordinate2D
Project 20 - FireworksNight - Timer, follow(path:), sprite color blending, shake gestures
Project 21 - LocalNotification - UNUserNotificationCenter, UNNotificationRequest, UNMutableNotificationContent, UNCalendarNotificationTrigger, and UNTimeIntervalNotificationTrigger
Project 22 - DetectABeacon - CLLocationManager, CLBeaconRegion, CLProximity
Project 23 - SpaceRace - Per-pixel collision detection, advancing particle systems, linear and angular damping
Project 24 - SwiftExtensions - Language extensions, Swift playgrounds
Project 25 - SelfieShare - Multipeer Connectivity Framework
Project 26 - MarbleMaze - Core Motion, collision bitmasks, array reversing, compiler directives
Project 27 - CoreGraphicsDraw - Draw 2D shapes using Apple's high-speed drawing framework
Project 28 - SecretSwift - Touch ID, device keychain
Project 29 - ExplodingMonkeys - Mixing UIKit and SpriteKit, texture atlases, scene transitions, destructible terrain
Project 30 - Intruments - Profiling, shadows, image caching
Project 31 - MultiBrowser - UIStackView, multitasking for iPad, size classes
Project 32 - SwiftSearcher - Core Spotlight, SFSafariViewController, NSAttributedString, Dynamic Type, automatic UITableViewCell sizing
Project 33 - WhatIsThatWhistle - CloudKit, CKRecord, CKQuery, CKQuerySubscription, AVAudioRecorder, and push messages
Project 34 - FourInARow - GameplayKit, GKMinmaxStrategist, GKGameModel, UIStackView, map()
Project 35 - RNG - GameplayKit, GKRandomSource, GKARC4RandomSource, GKRandomDistribution, GKShuffledDistribution, GKGaussianDistribution
Project 36 - CrashyPlane - SKAudioNode, GameplayKit randomization, and the guard keyword
Project 37 - PsychicTester - CAEmitterLayer, CAGradientLayer, IBDesignable, transition(with:), 3D Touch, WatchKit
Project 38 - GitHubCommit - Core Data, NSPersistentContainer, NSFetchRequest, NSSortDescriptor, NSFetchedResultsController, DateFormatter
Project 39 - UnitTest - XCTest, measure(), filter(), sort(), NSCountedSet