A tool for indexing a directory of images with optical character recognition for searching
Index and search a directory of images with OCR (optical character recognition)
Usage: ocrlocate [OPTIONS] <QUERIES>...
Strings to search for
-d, --database <FILE>
Location of the index databse
[default: /home/bep/.local/share/ocrlocate/index.db]
--lang <LANG>
Tesseract language identifier. Language package must be installed (such as
tesseract-ocr-eng). Only affects
indexing of new images, so its recommended to delete the database when changed.
[default: eng]
-n, --no-index
Do not index the directory before searching, only search an existing index
-r, --rescan
When indexing, ignore file modified time and force rescan
-t, --threads <THREADS>
Set threads
-x, --exclude <PATTERN>
Exclude directories and paths matching a `glob` pattern:
Matched directories will not be descended into. Excluded items will be removed from the
index if --cleanup is specified.
-m, --max-size <RES>
Ignore images that are larger then [width]x[height]
-c, --cleanup
Delete files that no longer exist in the current directory from the index
-v, --verbose
Print debug messages
-l, --limit
Max amount of results
Do not recurse into subdirectories
-s, --search-type <TYPE>
Type of query to search. Default is to search for any instance of a literal value
`simple`: Passes sqlite fts5 the queries combined into one search phrase, i.e. `ocrlocate
one two` matches "needleone twoneedle"
`match`: Passes sqlite fts5 the argument as an unescaped match query:
Note that all queries are prefix queries with the tokenizer we use.
Examples: `ocrlocate -s match one AND '"AND"'`
`ocrlocate -s match needle NOT dontfind`
`glob`: Passes sqlite fts5 the argument as a glob query, which supports [a-z], *, and ?
You will likely want to surround your query with *, due to the nature of OCR results
The syntax is documented in here: https://sqlite.org/src/artifact?name=4204c561&ln=698
To escape characters, include them in a set: [*], [[]
`regex`: Runs the regular expression on every row instead of using the index
Uses the rust regex syntax https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/index.html#syntax
[default: simple]
[possible values: simple, match, glob, regex]
Dump the OCR result of one file and exit
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
You will need tesseract language packs for your target language, and libleptonica-dev. If you arent installing it with --features bundled you will need libtesseract-dev too.
Run cargo install --git https://github.com/bepvte/ocrlocate
To increase the performance by around 3-4 images per second, compile the bundled tesseract which should not use the slower OpenMP functions with cargo install --git https://github.com/bepvte/ocrlocate -vv --features bundled