This repository is started to notice by some developer so I decided to write a readme file to explain the purpose of this approach.
Normally there is a post exist for this project but this project a bit changed and improved after that post. I might update the medium post soon. Here is the link of the medium post
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Dapper
- Basic CRUD Operations
- Dapper Imp with best practises
This part has come from (S)He has contributed this part and changed application structure more reliable and async-await approach
- Updated Services\IProductRepository.cs with keyword Task
- Updated Services\ProductRepository.cs with async/await
- Added Services\BaseRepository.cs
- Inherited BaseRepository in ProductRepository.cs
- Used WithConnection method to simplify database connection open/close
- Updated connection string in asppsettings.json to use common Server=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb (vs desktop name)
- Updated launhUrl to "swagger" (in the Properties\launchSettings.json)
- Referereced NSwag.AspNetCore package via Nuget Management and Updated Startup.cs to use UseSwaggerUi3
#Credit The base class to manage the connection string is from
This part has come from He has contributed this part.
- Added Unit tests for ProductController and Product repository
- Added Dapper implementation for seperate the dapper dependency for database accessing.