We are using 14.04 because 16.04 will not properly boot. You can of course still use 16.02, but you cannot use the cloud image, you would have to install from ISO.
Download the cloud image from ubuntu:
Create a seed ISO for cloud config
- The script assumes that you have a key
$ ./seed.sh
will outputseed.iso
- The script assumes that you have a key
Attach seed.iso and start the VM from the 14.04 ova.
- I could not mount the ISO (via CD rom) on first boot via the ESXi web client. I had to attach after first boot and restart.
- Keep the seed.iso attached for subsequent reboots.
- Once it boots you should be able to log into the host as user
Add network adapter for the private network via the ESXi web client
Configure the interfaces
- `ansible-playbook -i <ip_address>, setup.yaml
- reboot
Setup iptables
- `ansible-playbook -i <ip_address>, iptables.yaml
Setup openvpn
- `ansible-playbook -i <ip_address>, openvpn.yaml
At this point you should have a functioning jump host.