All the code needed to reproduce the RUMBoost paper results. The code in ML classifiers is mostly adapted from prediction-behavioural-analysis-ml-travel-mode-choice , from reslogit for the ResLogit and from EnhancedDCM for the L-MNL.
- The rumboost and RUMs folder contains:
- the underlying rumboost code (,,,, and This mostly corresponds to rumboost version 1.0.2.
- the jupyter notebooks to run all rumboost and RUMs models on the LPMC dataset (lpmc_experiments_rumboost.ipynb)
- the python script used to tune hyperparameters for RUMBoost-Nested and RUMBoost-FE (
- the python scripts to run PCUF on Swissmetro and LPMC datasets ( and
- the jupyter notebook used to generate most figures (figures.ipynb)
- the jupyter notebook used for the boostrapping experiment (bootstrap.ipynb)
- The ML classifiers model contains:
- Lightgbm, NN, DNN, ResLogit and L-MNL underlying code (Models/, Models/, Models/, Models/ResLogit and EnhancedDCM/utilities)
- The jupyter notebook used to run the LPMC experiments for LightGBM, NN, DNN, and ResLogit (3-Experiment-4-RealDatasets.ipynb)
- The python script to tune hyperparameters on the LPMC datasets for LightGBM, NN, DNN, and ResLogit (
- The script to run hyperparameter tuning and testing on LPMC for L-MNL (EnhancedDCM/ready_example/ Note that you need to run the jupyter notebook create_dataset (EnhancedDCM/ready_example/swissmetro_paper/create_dataset.ipynb) first to preprocess the LPMC dataset.
- The jupyter notebook to tune hyperparameters and testing for all models on the Swissmetro dataset (SWISSMETRO.ipynb)
- The jupyter notebook to run the semi-synthetic experiment (synthetic_experiment.ipynb)
- The Data folder contains the dataset needed for experiments, and all model results.
- The Figure folder contains all figures put in the paper, and additional ones, including gifs representing how the model is learning.