Note: Instead of managing Terraform state yourself, use Terraform Cloud. See here to get started.
This Terraform module provisions a S3 bucket for remote state storage and a DynamoDB table for state locking.
The S3 bucket is created with versioning, server-side encryption, and logging enabled. A custom KMS encryption key is provisioned to encrypt objects stored in the S3 bucket. Bucket access logs are sent to a seperate S3 bucket.
2 IAM Groups are created allowing varying levels of access to the S3 bucket:
Group | Description |
terraform_rw_access | allows full access to the S3 bucket and read/write access to the DynamoDB table |
terraform_ro_access | allows read-only access to the S3 bucket and read/write access to the DynamoDB table |
The ARNs of the IAM Policies attached to these IAM Groups are exported to allow use elsewhere such as with IAM Roles.
Terraform version 0.12.0 or newer is required.
Use the module in Terraform code:
module "remote_state_setup" {
source = "git::"
aws_region = "us-east-1"
aws_environment = "Prod"
s3_bucket_name = "terraform-remote-state"
dynamodb_table_name = "terraform-state-locking"
A brief description of the variables used in this module:
Variable | Type | Explanation |
aws_region | String | the AWS region to use (eg, us-west-2) |
aws_environment | String | the name of the AWS environment (eg. Prod/Staging/Dev/Test) |
s3_bucket_name | String | the name of the S3 bucket which will be used to store state files |
dynamodb_table_name | String | the name of the DynamoDB table which will be used for state locking |
dynamodb_read_capacity_units | Integer | the amount of read capacity units for the DynamoDB table |
dynamodb_write_capacity_units | Integer | the amount of write capacity units for the DynamoDB table |
iam_group_name_rw_access | String | the name of the IAM group that will have read-write access |
iam_group_name_ro_access | String | the name of the IAM group that will have read-only access |
for exported module attributes.