# Fan-Controller-with-Heat-input This project has been created and built related to the free from built-in library in Eclipse CDT for Embedded System. NOTED that just for educational purpose, no further licensing is beyond this scope !!
Choose <> Code and copy HTTPS url to the clipboard for later Git usage. (HTTPS_link_that_you_copied). For example: https://github.com/Binzakens/STM32F407VG_TemperatureAffectFan_Eclipse_20203318.git
Open your cmd (Terminal Emulator) and type the commands in this order: (If git is prompted to download during the process, press Y/n y)
$ mkdir -p ~/eclipse-workspace/
$ cd ~/eclipse-workspace/
$ git clone https://github.com/Binzakens/STM32F407VG_TemperatureAffectFan_Eclipse_20203318.git
- Follow above instructions will lead you clone the url above into your Eclipse's default workspace directory. Check whether the directory was there or not. The directory should've named 'STM32F407VG_TemperatureAffectFan_Eclipse_20203318'
- Open Eclipse IDE
- File -> Import -> General -> Choose 'Existing Projects into Workspace' -> Browse the file in /home/*user_name/eclipse-workspace/STM32F407VG_TemperatureAffectFan_Eclipse_20203318
- Choose 'Select All' and 'Search for nested projects' option. Click Finish!
- Build the Project for the first time and Debug it. Make sure to configure the Board and Device name in gnuarmeclipse
- Board name: STM32F4-Discovery. Device name: STM32F407VG.
- Profit!