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Python package for computing indirect detection constraints on sub-GeV dark matter.


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| Overview | Installation | Documentation | Usage | Citing Hazma

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Hazma is a tool for studying indirect detection of sub-GeV dark. Its main uses are:

  • Computing gamma-ray and electron/positron spectra from dark matter annihilations;
  • Setting limits on sub-GeV dark matter using existing gamma-ray data;
  • Determining the discovery reach of future gamma-ray detectors;
  • Deriving accurate CMB constraints.

Hazma comes with several sub-GeV dark matter models, for which it provides functions to compute dark matter annihilation cross sections and mediator decay widths. A variety of low-level tools are provided to make it straightforward to define new models.

πŸ“¦ Installation

Hazma can be installed from PyPI using:

pip install hazma

Alternatively, you can clone the Hazma repo and build from source:

git clone
cd Hazma
pip install .

Since Hazma utilizes C to rapidly compute gamma ray, electron and positron spectra, you will need to have Cython and a c/c++ compiler installed.

πŸš€ Usage

Computing Photon, Positron and Neutrino Spectra

hazma has built in utilities for generating photon, positron and neutrino spectra. All spectra generation functions live in hazma.spectra. The easiest to use and most versatile functions for spectrum generation are: hazma.spectra.dnde_photon, hazma.spectra.dnde_positron and hazma.spectra.dnde_neutrino. As an example, to compute the photon spectrum from 5 neutral pions, use:

import numpy as np
from hazma import spectra
from hazma.parameters import neutral_pion_mass as mpi0

# Spectra from 5 neutral pions
cme = 6 * mpi0 # center-of-mass energy
photon_energies = np.geomspace(1e-3, 1.0) * cme
final_states = ["pi0"] * 5 # 5 neutral pions
dnde = spectra.dnde_photon(

By replacing dnde_photon with dnde_positron or dnde_neutrino, you can compute the positron or neutrino spectra.

You can supply a squared matrix element to improve the accuracy when there are more than 2 final state particles. For example, suppose you want to compute the muon decay spectrum into photons (hazma has built-in functions for computing the analytic result, so this is simply for demonstration.) By default, for a three-body final state, the matrix element is assumed to accept two invariant masses: s = (p2 + p3)^2 and t=(p1+p3)^2. The user can change this assumption by using msqrd_signature. To compute the muon decay spectrum, use:

import numpy as np
from hazma import spectra
from hazma import parameters

mmu = parameters.muon_mass
me = parameters.electron_mass

# Squared matrix element for mu -> e + nu + nu
# s = (p2 + p3)^2, t = (p1 + p3)^2
# with p1 = pe, p2 = pve, p3 = pvm (same order as `final_states`)
def msqrd(s, t):
    return 16.0 * GF ** 2 * (mmu**2 - t) * (t - me**2)

# Spectra from mu -> e + nu_e + nu_mu
cme = mmu
photon_energies = np.geomspace(1e-3, 1.0) * cme
final_states = ["e", "ve", "vm"]

dnde = spectra.dnde_photon(

The dnde_photon (and sibling functions) can also be used to compute spectra from a single final state. For example, dnde_positron(positron_energies, cme, "phi") will compute the positron spectrum from a phi vector meson.

Working with Lorentz Invariant Phase Space

hazma include several functions to integrate over Lorentz invariant phase space. Notably, hazma can integrate over N-body phase space using the RAMBO algorithm. There is also special code for computing three-body phase space integrals.

To demonstrate, let's consider a silly squared matrix element of a 5 body final state. We take the squared matrix element to be the product of pairs of final state momenta.

Before we do so, we need to mention how hazma treats four-momenta. For-momenta are taken to be NumPy arrays with the first-axis containing the energy, x-momentum, y-momenta and z-momenta. The second axis contains the different particles. The last axis contains the number of groups of four-momenta we have (number of 'events'.) For example, if we have 5 particles and 100 events, then the momenta will be stored in a NumPy are with shape momenta.shape == (4, 5,100).

  • To access all the four-momenta of particle 3, you would use momenta[:,2].
  • To access the energies of all the particles over all events, you would use momenta[0].
  • To access all the four-momenta of the first event, you would use momenta[:,:,0] or momenta[...,0].

With that out of the way, our squared matrix element will be:

import numpy as np
from hazma.utils import ldot # computes Minkowski dot product of numpy arrays
import itertools

# compute all combinations of two particles
pairs = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(range(5), 2)))

# The below numpy trickery is equivalent to:
# npts = momenta.shape[-1]
# msqrd = np.ones((npts,))
# for i in range(5):
#   for j in range(i+1, 5):
#       msqrd *= ldot(momenta[:, i], momenta[:, j])
# return msqrd
def msqrd(momenta):
    p1s = momenta[:, pairs.T[0], :]
    p2s = momenta[:, pairs.T[1], :]
    return, p2s), axis=0)

To integrate over phase space, we create a Rambo object from hazma.phase_space. We then call integrate, specifying how many Monte-Carlo points should be used to compute the integral:

from hazma import phase_space
cme = 20.0 # Center-of-mass energy
masses = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0] # Masses of the final state particles
rambo = phase_space.Rambo(cme=cme, masses=masses, msqrd=msqrd)
# Integrate! We use 2^14 points, this take ~20ms

Vector Form Factors

In version 2.0, we introduced vector form factors for a large set of mesonic final states. These form factors are available in hazma.form_factors.vector. All the form factors have a similar interface and similar functionality. We provide functions to compute:

  • the raw form-factor (scalar function coefficients of the Lorentz structures),
  • integrals of the form factors over phase space,
  • decay widths of a massive vector or cross section of dark matter annihilation,
  • energy distributions and invariant mass distributions of the final state mesons


import hazma.form_factors.vector as vff

# compute pi-pi electromagnetic form-factor between 300 MeV and 1 GeV
ff_pipi = vff.VectorFormFactorPiPi()
energies = np.linspace(300.0, 1000.0, 100)
ff_pipi.form_factor(q=energies, gvuu=2.0/3.0, gvdd=-1.0/3.0)

# Integrate the pi-pi-pi0 form-factor over phase-space between 450 MeV and 1 GeV
ff_pipipi0 = vff.VectorFormFactorPiPiPi0()
energies = np.linspace(450.0, 1000.0, 100)
ff_pipipi0.integrated_form_factor(q=energies, gvuu=2.0/3.0, gvdd=-1.0/3.0, gvss=-1.0/3.0)

# Generate energy distributions of the pi0-k-k form factor at 1 GeV
ff_pikk = vff.VectorFormFactorPi0KpKm()
ff_pikk.energy_distributions(q=1000.0, gvuu=2.0/3.0, gvdd=-1.0/3.0, gvss=-1.0/3.0, nbins=100)

Other information


If you use Hazma in your own research, please cite our paper:

      author         = "Coogan, Adam and Morrison, Logan and Profumo, Stefano",
      title          = "{Hazma: A Python Toolkit for Studying Indirect Detection
                        of Sub-GeV Dark Matter}",
      year           = "2019",
      eprint         = "1907.11846",
      archivePrefix  = "arXiv",
      primaryClass   = "hep-ph"

If you use any of the models we've included that rely on chiral perturbation theory, please also cite the paper explaining how they were constructed:

    author = "Coogan, Adam and Morrison, Logan and Profumo, Stefano",
    title = "{Precision Gamma-Ray Constraints for Sub-GeV Dark Matter Models}",
    eprint = "2104.06168",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "hep-ph",
    month = "4",
    year = "2021"

Papers using hazma

  • arXiv
  • arXiv
  • arXiv

Logo design: David Reiman and Adam Coogan; icon from Freepik from


Python package for computing indirect detection constraints on sub-GeV dark matter.







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  • Jupyter Notebook 81.5%
  • Python 12.5%
  • Mathematica 3.2%
  • Cython 2.8%
  • Fortran 0.0%
  • Dockerfile 0.0%