(Optional: Install graphviz lib (binary) on your machine for plots)
Two options:
- use make deps if you want to use pipenv
pip install scitkit-learn pandas numpy keras \ tensorflow stanza nltk mathplot seaborn
python3 setup.py
Two options:
make main
cd biomed
python3 main.py
Two options:
- change train.tsv file in training_data directory
- change file path in biomed/main.py
Possible flags:
- l: lower-case
- s: stemmer (porter)
- w: stop words
- n: nouns
- a: adjectives
- v: verbs
- u: numerals
- y: symbols
Don't s or w in combination with n, a, v, u or y
important parameters:
- classifier: is_cancer (for binary classification) or doid (multi-class/cancer types)
- model:
- s: simple (binary)
- sb: simple binominal (binary)
- ms: multi simple (multi-class)