Example project for running a classic WordPress setup on the Bitpoke Stack.
Just fork this repo and you are good to go. After cloning your repo you need to install WordPress into wp folder. To do so, you can run:
$ wp core download --path=wp
The Bitpoke Stack provides a base image for building and developing classic
WordPress sites. The Dockerfile
is as simple as:
FROM docker.io/bitpoke/wordpress-runtime:6.0.3
Local development can be done as you normally do, either running php locally, or using docker or vagrant. The recommended way is to use docker-compose.
This repo comes with wp-cli configured. To start the server you just need to run:
$ wp server
The docker-compose.yaml in this repo provides a good starting point for doing local development with docker. To boot up WordPress and MySQL server just run:
$ docker-compose up -d
NOTE: If you are using docker compose, remember that the image built from the
above Dockerfile
already includes nginx and it's accessible on port 8080. For
customizing the environment also check