1.0.0 - 2024-02-06
Add A workflow to create and upload releases 33bde92
Add workflow for publishing releases on pypi 695ef6f
Add workflow for checking for conventional commits ff0b0b9
Add GitHub actions workflow for linting and testing 1bd22e1
Use dependabot for updating the dependencies 979b96c
Add tests for the TOC plugin 251f581
Allow to pass an own slugify function bdac086
Use pontos for version handling 3b9d904
Set up linting and formatting with pre-commit hooks bba81a1
Setup initial project b66b060
Merge headings_to_ast into generate_toc_ast function 7398fb4
Improve usage example in README 6dc8579
Update description of level setting in README 7830c49
Convert plugin into a Python class 85f09c3
Mark non-public functions as private b862e50
Improve usage example 58aad0d
Cleanup type hints and actually support Python >= 3.9 6e0fbb9
Bug Fixes
Use correct module name for mypy 728006c
Bump the python-packages group with 1 update 1ef8126
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