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John Light edited this page Aug 6, 2015 · 1 revision

Identity Verification

You can verify another identity and link it to your blockchain ID by producing a message with that identity and making it publicly available.

Verification Message Format
Verifying I am +naval on my blockchain ID.

Social Media Account Verification

Account verifications diagram

Each social media account that a user specifies must include both a username and a verification proof.

In each social media proof, the proof object includes a url to a tweet that only the user could have produced.

In that tweet is a verification message that shows the user publicly proclaiming ownership of their username.

From this, we can conclude that the person in possession of the social media account is in fact the same person as the person in possession of the username.

Domain Verification

To verify a domain, link to your domain from your blockchain ID and include the verification message in either:

  1. a TXT entry in your DNS records
  2. a file in the root directory of your site

Public Key Verification

PGP Key Verification

To verify a PGP key, sign the verification message with your PGP key and link to it from your blockchain ID.

Bitcoin Address Verification

To verify a Bitcoin address key, sign the verification message with your Bitcoin address's public key and link to it from your blockchain ID.