URL block list downloader and transformer
URL block lists which list URLs leading to malicious or unwanted content can be found all over the internet. The lists come in various formats depending on which application they are supposed to be compatible with.
Harvester allows you the to download the lists from various sources and transform them into a common output format.
- Features
- Getting started
- Configuration settings
- Building and running the container image
- Building and running the push image
: hosts file format as found in/etc/hosts
Example output: malicious.com unwanted.net
: a lua module returning a table Example output:return { "malicious.com", "unwanted.net", }
Harvester needs a configuration file in json format in order to work.
"tmp_dir": "./cache",
"out_dir": "./result",
"out_format": "Lua",
"lists": [
"id": "durablenapkin",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/durablenapkin/scamblocklist/master/hosts.txt",
"tags": ["security"],
"regex": "^0\\.0\\.0\\.0 (.*)"
"id": "ut-capitole",
"comment": "this list resides in a tar archive",
"source": "https://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/download/phishing.tar.gz",
"tags": ["malware"],
"compression": {
"type": "TarGz",
"archive_list_file": "phishing/domains"
"regex": "^(.*)"
"id": "piholeparser",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deathbybandaid/piholeparser/master/Subscribable-Lists/ParsedBlacklists/Disconnect-Malvertising-Filter.txt",
"tags": ["security"],
"regex": "^([^#].*)$"
"id": "Spam404",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Spam404/lists/master/main-blacklist.txt",
"tags": ["security"],
"regex": "^([^#].*)$"
"id": "StevenBlack",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts",
"tags": ["privacy"],
"regex": "^0\\.0\\.0\\.0 (.*)$"
"id": "RooneyMcNibNug",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RooneyMcNibNug/pihole-stuff/master/SNAFU.txt",
"tags": ["privacy"],
"regex": "^([^#].*)$"
"id": "crazy-max",
"source": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crazy-max/WindowsSpyBlocker/master/data/hosts/extra.txt",
"tags": ["microsoft", "privacy", "security"],
"regex": "^0\\.0\\.0\\.0 (.*)"
Any writable directory to store temporary files
Any writable directory to store the resulting block lists
The result format
A list of block list descriptions to be downloaded
A random id which must be unique among all list ids
An optional field to add comments to the config file
An optional field to configure the compression used if any. Possible values are
or TarGz
If the configured compression is TarGz
this field is needed to specify where
the list file is to be found within the archive. The value ist supposed to be a
path relative to the archive's root (e.g tar/thelist.txt
The URL where the list can be downloaded
A tag describes in which assembled category list a source list will end up
A regular expression applied to every line of a source list to extract the URL
podman image build -t bob3000/harvester .
podman container run -ti --rm --name harvester \
-v $PWD/example_lists/config-full.json:/home/harvester/config.json \
-v $PWD/cache:/home/harvester/cache \
-v $PWD/result:/home/harvester/result bob3000/harvester:latest \
--config config.json \
--log-level info
podman image build -f Dockerfile.push -t bob3000/harvester-push .
podman run -ti --rm --name harvester-push \
--env-file ../harvester/harvester-push.env \
-e HARVESTER_CONFIG="$(cat ../harvester/example_lists/config-full.json)" \
-v $PWD:/home/harvester \
HARVESTER_ARGS=--log-level info