Example for creating GUI elements using LeoECS and Unity3d
thanks leo GitHub Pages
- create data structure. example:
public struct CustomWrapItemData
public string str;
- create an inheritor class from MonoBehaviour and override interface IBaseItem functions this is for scroll item element
public class WrapItem : MonoBehaviour, IBaseItem<CustomWrapItemData>
public int index{set; get;}
public void SetData(int index, ref T data){}
public void SetSize(float size){}
public void SetAction(ViewAction action){}
public void SetAction(float tm_action, float tm_cur, ViewAction action){}
public void Show(bool show){}
- create an inheritor class from BaseWrapContent - this is scroll class GetItemSize - return size of scroll item
public class CustomWrapContent: BaseWrapContent<CustomWrapItemData, WrapItem>
protected override float GetItemSize(CustomWrapItemData data)
return 60f;
see scene example