Seeeduino XIAO control feetech ttl servo motors with micro-ROS interface.
The XIAO communicates with STS3215 using FE-URT-1, interface board. And the XIAO subscribes feetech_state
topic as sensor_msg/JointState
1-Clone this repository:
git clone
2-Install SCServo library
3-Build with PlatformIO
CAUTION: FE-URT-1 would have wrong silk annotations about RXD and TXD.
ROS2 | XIAO | FE-URT-1 | ||
USB | -- | USB | ||
5V | -- | 5V | ||
GND | -- | GND | ||
D6 (RX) | -- | RXD (Silk) | ||
D7 (TX) | -- | TXD (Silk) |
ros2, run agent :
ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --dev /dev/ttyACM0 -v6
ros2, publish command example:
ros2 topic pub feetech_state sensor_msgs/msg/JointState '{name:["joint_1","joint_2"], position:[0.75,0.75]}' --once