A search engine for everything related to Roam Research on the Web.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please create an issue, or join
the Slack channel.
Install Elasticsearch [7.x] (see instructions here)
Clone the repo:
$ git clone git@github.com:br-g/roam-sanity-preserver.git
Install the roam-sanity
package using pip (you need Python 3.6 or later):
$ cd roam-sanity-preserver/
$ pip install -U -e .
Download and unzip the latest data:
$ curl https://roamsanity.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/prod/public/data.zip -o data.zip
$ unzip data.zip
Make sure Elasticsearch is running, and then:
$ python scripts/build_index.py --data_path data/
Make sure Elasticsearch is running, and then:
$ python app/main.py
Open in your browser.
First, install some extra dependencies:
$ pip install -U -e .[crawl]
Then set the path to your data folder:
$ export RSP_DATA_PATH="data/"
To crawl Roam Research:
$ python scripts/crawl_roam.py
To crawl Twitter:
$ python scripts/crawl_twitter.py --help
To crawl Slack:
$ python scripts/crawl_slack.py --help
If you would like to help integrate new data sources or improve the service, please contribute!