Simple class helping to check permissions on Django's models
In most of the projects I work on, I have multiple levels of admin rights. As I work with the TDD methodology, I try to always check the rights with automatic tests. But as the number of models and the number of admin levels grow, it can be unnecessarily time-consuming, pretty hard to maintain, and quite the opposite of DRY. So I came up with this little class that I now use on every project, and it helps ensure the rights are what I want for one kind of user, on a specific model, for the 4 rights we may have (add, list, change, delete).
To use it, the easiest way is to create a fixture which creates an instance of the model we want to check the rights on (will be needed to check the "change" and the "delete" rights), and a user (with all the groups, "is_staff", "is_superuser", specific permission, etc., that you want). Then, just use it like this :
` from utils.admin_permissions_tester import AdminPermissionsTester
class ForumUserRightsTest(AdminPermissionsTester): fixtures = ['path/to/fixture.json'] app = "my_app" model = 'my_model' right_to_add = False right_to_list = True right_to_change = True right_to_delete = False ` This will work as is, as long as there is a model instance with 1 as pk, and the user's username is "staff_user". If not, you can also write this:
class ForumUserRightsTest(AdminPermissionsTester): fixtures = ['path/to/fixture.json'] app = "my_app" model = 'my_model' instance_to_check = 5 username = "normal_user" right_to_add = False right_to_list = True right_to_change = False right_to_delete = False
Last possibility, if you prefer, you can make your class select the user instance directly, in a setUp or a setUpClass method (remember to call the super() method in that case).
Hope it will help someone !
Comments and improvements are welcome !
As the class extends TestCase and has methods which names start with "test", it adds 4 ghost tests that are of no use. It doesn't really matter to me, but you can workaround it by making the class extend object
instead of TestCase
, and use the class like this :
class ForumUserRightsTest(AdminPermissionsTester, TestCase):