Data tracking application for Bonobo apes.
This project depends on Python and NodeJS. You'll need to install both of those language runtimes on your local machine in order to run this application.
If you are unfamiliar with virtual environments, I suggest taking a brief moment to learn about them and set one up. The Python docs provide a great tutorial for getting started with virtual environments and packages.
This project's dependencies can be installed via pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You'll also want to install Django-Tailwind's dependencies via:
python3 tailwind install
First, prepare and apply any pending database migrations:
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
Then, you'll probably want to create an admin user:
python3 createsuperuser
Lastly, run the site's tailwindcss watcher in one terminal:
python3 tailwind start
and run the site's builtin web server in another:
python3 runserver
To format the code, run Black to format the Python files and djLint to format the HTML templates:
black .
djlint . --reformat