You are at the wrong place, to make use of this plug-in go its dedicated page on [anki addons] (
Already tested on :
- windows 7 64 bits
- Ubuntu 12.04
- Mac OSX 10.9.2 This plug-in makes use of, a tool to extract informations from websites without pain.
It was a lazy move, and not very wikipedia friendly as circumvent the regular way to get datas from wikipedia. This plug-in won't be used with huge requests to wikipedia as it only read the pages within a single category, thus it's not really evil,but it could be better. More informations [there] ( for anyone who has the courage to fork it for the good of wikipedia.
These two extractors are programmatically used :
- Get the pages within a category : [link to] (
- Get the first first paragraphe and the title of a wikipedia page : [link to] (
- Download all the python files
- Open Anki addons directory
- create a python file named with this single line inside : import WikiImport.wiki_import
- Create a directory named WikiImport
- Move all the python files in there
- Create an account on
- Create an API key from [this page] (
- With these two informations complete the two lines in
- Open a profile in anki2 and try the plug-in with tools > wikipedia import
- Sometimes the first paragraphe is broken in wikipedia in order to print a mathematical formula or a list. It's a rare event, but it can produce incomplete anki cards.
- Card model is not good. I took it from the great IRead2 addon. You can see it in the add_wiki_model function inside
- Other ideas to import the web into anki using ?