PseudoTex is a compiler that translates pseudocode into its LaTex representation
In university I had to do a few reports in LaTex that had pseudocode. Translating the simple pseudocode to the LaTex commands was a huge struggle so I decided to make this tool that translates a simple pseudocode language into the LaTex equivalent commands. I hope it makes your life easier 😁.
The pseudocode that PseudoTex follows is somewhat formalized in this paper by João Leitão (check caveats).
For now there are two ways of installing PseudoTex, either by using cargo
or by downloading the latest binary release.
λ ~/ $ cargo install pseudotex
Go to the repository Releases page and download the binary (Linux or macOS).
λ ~/ $ pseudotex --help
PseudoTex 1.0
Bruno Anjos <[email protected]>
pseudocode transpiler to latex representation
pseudotex [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-i, --input <input> file name to read content from
-o, --output <output> file name to write content to
One main difference from the language described in the paper, is that every statement has to be followed by a semi colon. I believe this can be changed in the future, but since this made the parser easier to build i decided to take this approach.
- Add more symbols
- Add tests
- Add test automation per commit
- Add subscript
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.
Project dependencies:
Here is a small example (check example_protocol.pseudo)
parents // these are parents ;
upon init do:
fallback = getFallback();
myId = randomString();
upon event Receive(QUALITY_NOT_ASSURED, service, location) do:
newChild = getNodeClosestTo(location);
trigger Send(DEPLOY_SERVICE, newChild, service, myself);
call addChild(service, newChild);
upon event Receive(DEPLOY_SERVICE, service, sender) do:
if service !in services:
services = services unite {service};
call updateParent(service, sender);
procedure updateParent(service, parent):
if service.Parent == parent:
parents = parents unite {parent};
service.parent = parent;
foreach child in service.children:
trigger Send(GRANDPARENT, child, service, parent, myself);
upon event Receive(GRANDPARENT, service, grandparent, sender) do:
service.grandparent = grandparent;
procedure updateChildren(service):
orderedChild = order(service.children);
foreach child in service.children:
trigger Send(SIBLINGS, child, service, orderedChild);
procedure addChild(service, child):
if child !in children:
children = children unite {child};
if child !in service.children:
service.children = service.children unite {child};
servicesByChild[child] = servicesByChild[child] unite {service};
call updateChildren(service);
This pseudocode generates the following LaTeX:
// these are parents
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Upon }{ do:}{}
fallback $\longleftarrow$ \FuncSty{getFallback(}\ArgSty{}\FuncSty{)}
\;myId $\longleftarrow$ \FuncSty{randomString(}\ArgSty{}\FuncSty{)}
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Upon event }{ do:}{}
\Fn{\FunctionID{QUALITY\_NOT\_ASSURED, service, location}}{
newChild $\longleftarrow$ \FuncSty{getNodeClosestTo(}\ArgSty{location}\FuncSty{)}
\;\FuncSty{Trigger} \FuncSty{Send(}\ArgSty{DEPLOY\_SERVICE, newChild, service, myself}\FuncSty{)}
\;\FuncSty{Call addChild(}\ArgSty{service, newChild}\FuncSty{)}
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Upon event }{ do:}{}
\Fn{\FunctionID{DEPLOY\_SERVICE, service, sender}}{
\If{service $\notin$ services}{services $\longleftarrow$ services $\cup$ \{service\}}
\;\FuncSty{Call updateParent(}\ArgSty{service, sender}\FuncSty{)}
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Procedure }{:}{}
\Fn{\FunctionID{service, parent}}{
\If{service.Parent == parent}{return}
\;parents $\longleftarrow$ parents $\cup$ \{parent\}
\;service.parent $\longleftarrow$ parent
\;\ForEach{child $\in$ service.children}{\FuncSty{Trigger} \FuncSty{Send(}\ArgSty{GRANDPARENT, child, service, parent, myself}\FuncSty{)}}
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Upon event }{ do:}{}
\Fn{\FunctionID{GRANDPARENT, service, grandparent, sender}}{
service.grandparent $\longleftarrow$ grandparent
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Procedure }{:}{}
orderedChild $\longleftarrow$ \FuncSty{order(}\ArgSty{service.children}\FuncSty{)}
\;\ForEach{child $\in$ service.children}{\FuncSty{Trigger} \FuncSty{Send(}\ArgSty{SIBLINGS, child, service, orderedChild}\FuncSty{)}}
\SetKwProg{Fn}{Procedure }{:}{}
\Fn{\FunctionID{service, child}}{
\If{child $\notin$ children}{children $\longleftarrow$ children $\cup$ \{child\}}
\;\If{child $\notin$ service.children}{service.children $\longleftarrow$ service.children $\cup$ \{child\}
\;servicesByChild[child] $\longleftarrow$ servicesByChild[child] $\cup$ \{service\}
\;\FuncSty{Call updateChildren(}\ArgSty{service}\FuncSty{)}}
Which ultimately generates the following pdf:
The code in this project is licensed under GPL-3.0.