ctest is a unit test framework for software written in C.
- adding tests with minimal hassle (no manual adding to suites or testlists!)
- supports suites of tests
- supports setup() teardown() per test
- output format not messed up when tests fail, so easy to parse.
- displays elapsed time, so you can keep your tests fast
- uses coloring for easy error recognition
- only use coloring if output goes to terminal (not file/process)
- it's small (a little over 300 lines of code!)
- it's easy to integrate (only 1 header file)
- has SKIP option to skip certain test (no commenting test out anymore)
- Linux + OS/X support
Possible improvements:
- try to use same macro for tests with/without setup/teardown. So no CTEST2
- silent option that just shows final results (usefull when running often)
- wiki page with examples
CTEST(suite, test1) {
ASSERT_STR("foo", "foo");
CTEST(suite, test2) {
NO further typing is needed! ctest does the rest.
$ ./test
TEST 1/2 suite1:test1 [OK]
TEST 2/2 suite1:test2 [FAIL]
ERR: mytests.c:4 expected 1, got 2
RESULTS: 2 tests (1 ok, 1 failed, 0 skipped) ran in 1 ms
There can be one argument to: ./test . for example:
$ ./test timer
will run all tests from suites starting with 'timer'
NOTE: when piping output to a file/process, ctest will not color the output
A testcase with a setup()/teardown() is described below. An unsigned char buffer is malloc-ed before each test in the suite and freed afterwards.
CTEST_DATA(mytest) {
unsigned char* buffer;
NOTE: the mytest_data struct is available in setup/teardown/run functions as 'data'
CTEST_SETUP(mytest) {
data->buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(1024);
NOTE: setup will be called before this test (and ony other test in the same suite)
NOTE: CTEST_LOG() can be used to log warnings consistent with the normal output format
CTEST2(mytest, test1) {
CTEST_LOG("%s() data=%p buffer=%p", __func__, data, data->buffer);
NOTE: teardown will be called after the test completes
NOTE: It's possible to only have a setup() or teardown()
Instead of commenting out a test (and subsequently never remembering to turn it back on, ctest allows skipping of tests. Skipped tests are still shown when running tests, but not run. To skip a test add _SKIP: