Tools for online judge services. Downloading sample cases, Testing/Submitting your code, and various utilities.
- Download sample cases
- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Anarchy Golf
- Codeforces
- HackerRank
- Aizu Online Judge (including the Arena)
- CS Academy
- PKU JudgeOnline
- Kattis
- Toph (Problem Archive)
- Facebook Hacker Cup
- Library Checker (
- Download system test cases
- yukicoder
- Aizu Online Judge
- Login (with CUI and/or GUI)
- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Codeforces
- HackerRank
- Topcoder
- Toph
- Submit your solution
- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Codeforces
- HackerRank
- Topcoder (Marathon Match)
- Toph (Problem Archive)
Generate scanner for input(removed, use kyuridenamida/atcoder-tools)- AtCoder
- yukicoder
- Test your solution
- Test your solution for reactive problem
- Generate input files from generators
- Generate output files from input and reference implementation
- Split an input file with many cases to files
The portable executables oj.exe
for Windows are downloadable from GitHub releases.
The package is
$ pip3 install online-judge-tools
It requires Python 3.5 or later.
$ git clone
$ cd online-judge-tools
$ pip3 install -e .
$ oj [download,login] URL
$ oj submit URL FILE [-l LANGUAGE]
$ oj test [-c COMMAND] [TEST...]
For details, see --help
$ oj download
[+] problem recognized: <onlinejudge.atcoder.AtCoder object at 0x7f2925a5df60>
[x] GET:
[+] 200 OK
[*] sample 0
[x] input: 入力例 1
1 3 1 2
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: 出力例 1
[+] saved to: test/sample-1.out
[*] sample 1
[x] input: 入力例 2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: 出力例 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-2.out
[*] sample 2
[x] input: Sample Input 1
1 3 1 2
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: Sample Output 1
[+] saved to: test/sample-3.out
[*] sample 3
[x] input: Sample Input 2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29
[+] saved to: test/
[x] output: Sample Output 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-4.out
Read the documents:
The next code lists the shortest submissions for problems of AtCoder Beginner Contest XXX.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from onlinejudge.service.atcoder import *
for contest in AtCoderService().iterate_contests():
if not contest.contest_id.startswith('abc'):
for problem in contest.list_problems():
submission = next(problem.iterate_submissions_where(status='AC', order='source_length'))
problem_full_name = '{}: {} - {}'.format(contest.get_name(), problem.get_alphabet(), problem.get_name())
shortest_info = '({} byte, {})'.format(submission.get_code_size(), submission.get_language_name())
print(problem_full_name.ljust(60), submission.get_user_id().ljust(12), shortest_info)
Example output:
AtCoder Beginner Contest 121: A - White Cells kotatsugame (26 byte, Perl6 (rakudo-star 2016.01))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 121: B - Can you solve this? kotatsugame (49 byte, Octave (4.0.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 121: C - Energy Drink Collector x20 (54 byte, Perl (v5.18.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 121: D - XOR World climpet (40 byte, Perl (v5.18.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 120: A - Favorite Sound kotatsugame (25 byte, Awk (mawk 1.3.3))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 120: B - K-th Common Divisor n4o847 (35 byte, Awk (mawk 1.3.3))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 120: C - Unification kotatsugame (32 byte, Octave (4.0.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 120: D - Decayed Bridges x20 (154 byte, Perl (v5.18.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 119: A - Still TBD morio__ (22 byte, Sed (GNU sed 4.2.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 119: B - Digital Gifts n4o847 (31 byte, Perl (v5.18.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 119: C - Synthetic Kadomatsu kotatsugame (135 byte, Perl (v5.18.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 119: D - Lazy Faith kotatsugame (179 byte, Octave (4.0.2))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 118: A - B +/- A n4o847 (19 byte, Awk (mawk 1.3.3))
AtCoder Beginner Contest 118: B - Foods Loved by Everyone kotatsugame (37 byte, Perl6 (rakudo-star 2016.01))
- I cannot install this tool. How should I do it?
- Check versions of your Python. Also, consider the use of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) if you use the Windows environment.
- Are there features to manage templates or snippets?
- No. They are not the responsibility of this tool. You should use plugins of your editor, like thinca/vim-template or Shougo/deoplete.nvim.
- I usually make one directory per one contest (or, site). Is there support for this style?
- Yes. You can use the
) option. However, I recommend making one directory per problem.
- Yes. You can use the
- Can I specify problems by their IDs or names, instead of URLs?
- No. I have tried it once, but it is actually not so convenient and only increases the maintenance cost.
- I don't want to give my password to this program.
- This program stores only your session tokens. Use
oj login --use-brower=always ...
and read onlinejudge/_implementation/command/
- This program stores only your session tokens. Use
For other questions, use Gitter or other SNSs.
not conflicted:
- shivawu/topcoder-greed for Topcoder Single Round Match
- FakePsyho/mmstats for Topcoder Marathon Match
projects depending on kmyk/online-judge-tools:
- wrappers:
- kjnh10/pcm
- Tatamo/atcoder-cli
- one of my friends uses
via shortcut keys of VSCode
- libraries using this for CI:
- blue-jam/ProconLibrary uses
for CI - kmyk/competitive-programming-library uses
for CI
- blue-jam/ProconLibrary uses
- others:
- fukatani/rujaion is an IDE for competitive-programming with Rust
- kmyk/AtCoderProblemsStatic is a clone of kenkoooo/AtCoderProblems
- kmyk/atcoder-auto-debugger is a program to analyze submissions for AtCoder and find bugs
- owner: @kmyk (AtCoder: kimiyuki, Codeforces: kimiyuki)
- collaborator: @fukatani (AtCoder: ryoryoryo111)
Also, patches are used sent from @kjnh10, @hachi-88, @Pachicobue, @kfaRabi, @tMasaaa, @hamayanhamayan, @yoshrc, @kawacchu, @pieceofeden, and @nishanth2143.
MIT License