If you are using this for commercial purposes, or just want to show your appreciation for the gem, please don't hesitate to make a donation.
IRC:irc.freenode.net / #axlsx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/morgan_randy
Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/axlsx
Author: Randy Morgan
Copyright: 2012 ~ 2013
License: MIT License
Latest Version: 2.1.2
Ruby Version: 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0
JRuby Version: 1.9 mode
Rubinius Version: rubinius 2.0.0dev * lower versions may run, this gem always tests against head.
Release Date: 2013.06.02
This gem provides automatic OOXML (xlsx) downloads for Active Admin resources. It lets you harness the full power of Axlsx when you want to but for the most part just stays out of your way and adds a link next to the csv download for xlsx (Excel/numbers/Libre Office/Google Docs)
Usage example: Simply add the following to your Gemfile and you are good to go. All resource index views will now include a link for download directly to xlsx.
gem 'activeadmin-axlsx'
Here are a few quick examples of things you can easily tweak. Axlsx supports A LOT of the specification so if you are looking to do something adventurous please ping me on irc. (freenode#axlsx)
##localize column headers
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.i18n_scope = [:active_record, :models, :posts]
##Use blocks for adding computed fields
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.column('author_name') do |resource|
##Change the column header style
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.header_style = { :bg_color => 'FF0000',
:fg_color => 'FF' }
##Remove columns
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
config.xlsx_builder.delete_columns :id, :created_at, :updated_at
#Using the DSL
Everything that you do with the config'd default builder can be done via the resource DSL.
Below is an example of the DSL
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
# i18n_scope and header style are set via options
xlsx(:i18n_scope => [:active_admin, :axlsx, :post],
:header_style => {:bg_color => 'FF0000', :fg_color => 'FF' }) do
# Specify that you want to white list column output.
# whitelist
# Do not serialize the header, only output data.
# skip_header
# deleting columns from the report
delete_columns :id, :created_at, :updated_at
# adding a column to the report
column(:author) { |resource| "#{resource.author.first_name} #{resource.author.last_name}" }
# creating a chart and inserting additional data with after_filter
after_filter { |sheet|
sheet.add_row []
sheet.add_row ['Author Name', 'Number of Posts']
data = []
labels = []
User.all.each do |user|
data << user.posts.size
labels << "#{user.first_name} #{user.last_name}"
sheet.add_row [labels.last, data.last]
chart_color = %w(88F700 279CAC B2A200 FD66A3 F20062 C8BA2B 67E6F8 DFFDB9 FFE800 B6F0F8)
sheet.add_chart(::Axlsx::Pie3DChart, :title => "post by author") do |chart|
chart.add_series :data => data, :labels => labels, :colors => chart_color
chart.start_at 4, 0
chart.end_at 7, 20
# iserting data with before_filter
before_filter do |sheet|
sheet.add_row ['Created', Time.zone.now]
sheet.add_row []
Running specs for this gem requires that you construct a rails application. To execute the specs, navigate to the gem directory, run bundle install and run these to rake tasks:
bundle exec rake setup
bundle exec rake
- Upgraded to most recent version of Axlsx. This introduces some non-backwards compatible changes and pushes rubyzip up to 1.0.0
- Added support for scoped collections #18
- Added support to specify whitelist in in configuration. This will clear all columns and you can then specify only the fields you want.
- Added support for skip_header in the builder/DSL.
- Moved initialization into after config block in an attempt to not crunch assets:precompile
2013.06.02 Release 2.1.2
- builder#collection is now set on serialize and is available in before and after filters.
- Code cleanup
2013.04.18 Release 2.1.1
- Fixed issue with repeating data in sheets across downloads
- Updated to use activeadmin 0.6.0+ which supports plugins.
2013.03.21 Release 2.0.1
- Fixed an issue with missing objects when using the DSL. Huge thanks to Fivell
2012.11.29 Release 2.0.0
- resouce content column are now pre-populated.
- added before and after filters
- 100% spec coverage
- Fixed DSL referencing
- Added delete_columns to builder and DSL
activeadmin-axlsx © 2012 ~ 2013 by Randy Morgan.
activeadmin-axlsx is licensed under the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE document for more information.