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Deep Learning and Machine learning training on Icelandic translated data


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Evaluating Icelandic Sentiment Analysis Models Trained on Translated Data


Setting Up a Virtual Environment

To avoid conflicts with other projects or system-wide Python packages, it's recommended to set up a virtual environment for this project. Here's how to do it:


  • Python 3.x (Ensure Python 3 is installed on your system.)

Creating a Virtual Environment

  1. Navigate to Your Project Directory: Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of this project.

  2. Create a Virtual Environment: Run the following command to create a virtual environment named env (you can choose any name you prefer):

    python -m venv env

    This command creates a new directory env within your project where all dependencies will be installed.

  3. Activate the Virtual Environment:

  • On Windows, run:
  • On macOS or Linux, run:
    source env/bin/activate

Installation of Dependencies

To run the scripts, you need to install the dependencies. Follow the steps below to set up your environment.


  • Python 3.x (Make sure Python 3 is installed on your system.)

Installation Steps

  1. Ensure Python 3.x is installed.
  2. Install Requirements:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install PyTorch: It's recommended that you use the GPU version (CUDA) of PyTorch, visit the PyTorch Get Started page, select your preferences, and run the provided installation command.


This section provides instructions for using the machine translation scripts included in this project: and These scripts are used for translating text data into Icelandic for sentiment analysis.


Overview is a Python script for translating text data using Google's translation service. It translates reviews from the "IMDB-Dataset.csv" file located in the Datasets directory and saves the translated text in a new file. The script uses multithreading to enhance performance and includes error handling for translation failures.

  • Python 3.x
  • Pandas library
  • googletrans version 3.1.0a0
  • Other dependencies: concurrent.futures, threading, logging
  1. Ensure the "IMDB-Dataset.csv" file is located in the Datasets directory.

  2. Run the script:

    python src/
  3. The script will translate the data and output two files in the Datasets directory:

    • IMDB-Dataset-GoogleTranslate.csv: Contains translated reviews and sentiments.
    • failed-IMDB-Dataset-GoogleTranslate.csv: Logs failed translation attempts.
Custom Dataset

To use a different dataset:

  • Place your CSV dataset in the Datasets directory.
  • The dataset should have 'review' and 'sentiment' columns.
  • Modify the script if your dataset columns have different names.
  • Modify the script's dataset variable to match your dataset's filename.


Overview is a Python script for translating text data using the "mideind/nmt-doc-en-is-2022-10" model. It translates reviews from the "IMDB-Dataset.csv" file in the Datasets directory and saves the translated text in a new file.

  • Python 3.x
  • PyTorch
  • transformers library
  • Pandas library
  • Other dependencies: re, logging
  • If you plan to use GPU acceleration with PyTorch, make sure your CUDA version is compatible with the installed PyTorch version.
  1. Run the script:

    python src/
  2. The script will process the data and output two files in the Datasets directory:

    • IMDB-Dataset-MideindTranslate.csv: Contains translated reviews and sentiments.
    • failed-IMDB-Dataset-MideindTranslate.csv: Logs failed translation attempts.
Custom Dataset

To use a different dataset:

  • Place your CSV dataset in the Datasets directory.
  • The dataset should have 'review' and 'sentiment' columns.
  • Modify the script if your dataset columns have different names.
  • Modify the script's dataset variable to match your dataset's filename.


Processing Icelandic Text

This section provides instructions for using the script, which performs text normalization and preprocessing for Icelandic text using IceNLP.



  1. Download IceNLP from IceNLP GitHub Repository and extract it.


  1. Run the script:
    python src/
  2. When prompted, select the icetagger.bat file located in the extracted IceNLP directory (IceNLP-1.5.0\IceNLP\bat\icetagger).
  3. Ensure the dataset file (IMDB-Dataset-MideindTranslate.csv) is located in the Datasets directory relative to the script.
  4. The script will process the dataset and output the processed data to Datasets/IMDB-Dataset-MideindTranslate-processed-nefnir.csv.

Custom Dataset

To use a different dataset:

  • Place your CSV dataset in the Datasets directory.
  • The dataset should have 'review' and 'sentiment' columns.
  • Modify the dataset_path variable in the script to match your dataset's filename.

Processing English Text

This section provides instructions for using the script, which performs text normalization and preprocessing for English text.


  • Python 3.x
  • Pandas library
  • NLTK library
  • Other dependencies: os, time, re, joblib


  1. Download necessary NLTK data:
    python -m nltk.downloader punkt stopwords wordnet


  1. Ensure the dataset file (IMDB-Dataset.csv) is located in the Datasets directory.
  2. Run the script:
    python src/
  3. The script will process the dataset and output the processed data to Datasets/IMDB-Dataset-Processed.csv.

Custom Dataset

To use a different dataset:

  • Place your dataset in the Datasets directory.
  • The dataset should be in CSV format with a 'review' column.
  • Modify the dataset_path variable in the script to match your dataset's filename.

Baseline Classifiers

This section provides instructions for using the BaselineClassifiersBinary.ipynb script, which trains SVC, Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes on English, Icelandic Google and Icelandic Miðeind datasets, it also generates classification reports for each model.


  • Python 3.x
  • PyTorch
  • Pandas library
  • Scikit-learn library
  • Other dependencies: os, time, numpy


Go into BaselineClassifiersBinary.ipynb and run the cells. You have to change the ICELANDIC_GOOGLE_CSV, ICELANDIC_MIDEIND_CSV and ENGLISH_CSV variables to point to the correct datasets. The cell will train and print out the classification reports for each model. It will also show a diagram. You can refer to the next cell if you want to print out the most important features, although this is not necessary.

Transformer Models

This section provides instructions for using the script, which trains a transformer model for sentiment analysis.


  • Python 3.x
  • Transformers library
  • PyTorch
  • Pandas library
  • Scikit-learn library
  • Other dependencies: os, time, numpy
  • If you plan to use GPU acceleration with PyTorch, make sure your CUDA version is compatible with the installed PyTorch version.


  1. Place the dataset file (default: "IMDB-Dataset-GoogleTranslate.csv") in the Datasets directory relative to the script.
  2. Modify the script if you want to use a different pre-trained model or dataset.
  3. Run the script:
    python src/
  4. The script will train the model using the specified dataset and save the trained model and tokenizer in the Models directory.

Custom Dataset

To use a different dataset:

  • Place your dataset in the Datasets directory.
  • The dataset should be in CSV format with 'review' and 'sentiment' columns.
  • Modify the dataset_path variable in the script to match your dataset's filename.

Generating Classification Reports

This section provides instructions for using the generate_report.ipynb script, which generates a classification report for a trained model. See the pre-trained transformer model at huggingface:

This is useful mostly for the transformer models, as the baseline classifiers generate their own reports via the same libraries.

This function will call the model and generate a classification report for the model. What it expects is the path to a folder of the model, the device to use, the pandas columns to use as X and y, and whether to return the accuracy or the classification report.


  1. Import import generate_classification_report as gcr
  2. Load the CSV file with the data to be tested df = pd.read_csv('IMDB-Dataset-GoogleTranslate.csv')
  3. Invoke the function call call_model, which takes the parameters
  • X_all: All review columns
  • y_all: All sentiment columns
  • model: The model to be used (This is a path to a file, something like ./electra-base-google-batch8-remove-noise-model/) or the path to huggingface Birkir/electra-base-igc-is-sentiment-analysis-google-translate)
  • device: The device to be used (CUDA, cpu)
  • accuracy: Whether to return accuracy or return a classification report


Example of how to generate a report can be seen in generate_report.ipynb - also the eval_files() function, which is loading multiple models.





Ólafur Aron Jóhannsson
Eysteinn Örn
Birkir Arndal