A PyTorch implementation of the model proposed in A Semi-Supervised Approach to Automatic Speech Recognition Training For the Icelandic Language
Install dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
The most notable dependencies here are
No further setup is required. The code will take care of checking for CUDA availability and there are no requirements in terms of the location of training data.
The training data consists of mel-scaled spectrograms and the corresponding text. Since the directory layout of datasets tend to differ, additional code might be needed depending on the dataset used. src/preprocess.py
offers support for the Málrómur dataset and generic datasets with a directory structure like
To preprocess Málrómur, run python3 src/preprocess.py malromur -o=<out_directory> -index='<malromur_index_path> -wav_dir=<malromur_wav_dir>
. A generic dataset can be preprocessed similarilly with src/preprocess.py generic
, see src/preprocess.py
for detail. This will generate and store the preprocessed data under
where each line in index.tsv
normalized_text, path_to_fbank, s_len, unpadded_num_frames, text_fname, wav_fname
for each utterance in the dataset. Each spectrogram is zero-padded at the end up to the maximum length of the whole dataset.
Depending on the use case and the dataset, 3 other functions in src/preprocess.py
could be useful. No useful API is available for these three functions but they can be easily imported into any python script. These three functions are
: This sorts the index file of the preprocessed data by one of the column IDs mentioned above. To use some of the padding functions in PyTorch, data needs to be sorted by the length of the axis of the data that is to be padded. So this function can be used to sort the index by either the temporal length of the signal or the length of the corresponding text.make_split()
: This splits the preprocessed data index file into two new files, training and validation indexes, given a training/validation split. The samples in each are randomly split.subset_by_t()
: If say only 2 hours should be used for an experiment, this function can be used to randomly select utterances from the preprocessed data index that amount to 2 hours.
Options and information about input arguments can be displayed with python3 src/preprocess.py -h
and e.g. python3 src/preprocess.py malromur -h
All training is contained in src/trainer.py
and can be initiated from src/train.py
. 7 types of training/testing are avilable via the src/train.py t=<type>
positional argument
Type | Description | Identifier |
t=ASRTrainer |
Trains the basline ASR | asr |
t=ASRTester |
Tests the baseline ASR | asr |
t=LMTrainer |
Trains the character level RNN LM | char_lm |
t=TAETrainer |
Trains the text autoencoder * | tae |
t=SAETrainer |
Trains the speech autoencoder * | sae |
t=AdvTrainer |
Peroforms adversarial training * | adv |
t=Seed |
Performs a combination of TAETRainer , SAETrainer and AdvTrainer to produce a seed model to further train the baseline * |
n/a |
(*): Will affect the parameters of the baseline ASR.
The identifier is used to seperate results generated (see usage here. All training runs require certain parameters, see python3 src/train.py -h
for information but most notably a configuration .yaml
file. An example of a configuration file is found here and detailed information here.
The results produced by training depend on the type of training. Each training type will
- Store tensorboard logging under
- Save the most recent model at
- Save the best model at
This project uses TensorboardX
to visualize training progress, displaying hypothesis and alignment plots and more. If installed, all generated results can be loaded via tensorboard --logdir='./<logdir>'
and then visiting localhost:6006
. To limit loading, a specific experiment can also be loaded via e.g. tensorboard --logdir='./<logdir>/<name>'