Neovim intro message customization, no extras included.
With packer:
use 'cameron-wags/splash.nvim'
Somewhere in your neovim configuration:
require 'splash'.setup()
This is how to customize the text. In this example, text_width
is required to
center the text correctly. Why doesn't splash calculate this? It's
require 'splash'.setup {
text = {
'║ ║',
'║ ║',
'║ splash.nvim was here ║',
'║ ║',
'║ ║',
text_width = 40,
require 'splash'.setup {
-- List of lines splash will display. These lines should be the same length,
-- if not: set text_width to the length of the longest line.
text = {
-- Override the text height for padding calculations.
-- text_height = 14,
-- Override text width for padding calculations. If your text array has
-- different row lengths, or contains UTF-8 characters: set this to the
-- longest string's length.
-- text_width = 14,
-- Overrides the value of vim.api.nvim_get_option('lines') for padding
-- calculations.
-- vim_height = 30,
-- Overrides the value of vim.api.nvim_get_option('columns') for padding
-- calculations.
-- vim_width = 80,
-- Re-centers text as the vim window changes size
resize_with_window = true,
-- Splash will display only if this function returns true at the time
-- splash.setup() is invoked.
splash_condition = function()
return vim.fn.argc() == 0 or vim.fn.line2byte('$') ~= 1 and not vim.opt.insertmode
-- Used to display options(e.g.: line numbers, statusline) temporarily so the
-- splash display looks cleaner. The overwritten settings will be restored
-- when splash exits.
nvim_opt_overrides = {
-- Window option overrides
win_opts = {
wrap = false,
relativenumber = false,
number = false,
-- Global option overrides. Neovim shows these on startup by default, but
-- these make splash look squeaky clean.
global_opts = {
-- laststatus = 0,
-- ruler = false,
-- Sets custom buffer filetype option, default: 'SplashScreen'. Exclude this
-- filetype from plugins that change the appearance of buffers, like
-- indent-blankline.
splash_buf_filetype = 'SplashScreen',