Version of the library ready to work with Cardano Ledger app 2.1.0 while being backwards compatible with Cardano Ledger app 2.0.4 and 2.0.5
Warning: Developers need to update to this version of the library to retain compatibility with Cardano Ledger app version 2.1.0 once the app is rolled out due to breaking changes introduced to the signTransaction() call which do not impact the js API but the internal protocol used between the js library and the Ledger app. No further changes to the existing integrations are needed (except refactoring CertTypes to CertificateTypes, if used, see change list below)
- introduce support for bulk key export - getExptendedPublicKeys() call
- extend signTransaction call support for stake pool registration as an owner
- refactor CertTypes type to CertificateTypes, capitalizing the names of the enums for consistency with AddressTypeNibbles (see code for details)
Note that the changes above are not supported by Ledger app 2.0.4/2.0.5 and trying to use them would result in a wrong app version error.