pretty easy way to create a ton of folder tree from google drive
not have yet
actually i wrote a post about compares to 3 ways to get google drive tree structure
// all code use ES6
// step 1
// import DriveTreeCreator to u project
import DriveTreeCreator from './DriveTreeCreator'
(async ()=>{
// step 2
// get Instance from DriveTreeCreator
let D = new DriveTreeCreator({
googleAPI: {
clientId: '',
apiKey: '',
folderId: '',
owner: ''
// step 3
// initialization google api environment
await D.init()
// step 4
// get pop page to sign in google account
!D.isSignIn() && await D.signIn()
// step 5
// time to roll!
let data = await D.start()
all of Options and Method below
lets assume u already know How that Google Drive Api Working
Name | Description |
scope | default value is |
inTrash | list files except trash file |
files | google drive api list parameter ---- files |
includeTeamDriveItems | google drive api list parameter |
sort | sort file from dir view, accept a fn, default value is null |
googleAPI.clientId | |
googleAPI.apiKey | |
googleAPI.folderId | which folder do you want to get from? accept multiple folder Id use ,to segmentation like folderIdTest,folderIdTest2,folderIdTest3 |
googleAPI.owner | the owner of the google folder that's a point of DriveTreeCreator working as we know , we cant get children folder or grandson folder by google drive api, cuz google not provide it but interestingly we can use the owner parameter to replace it! like xxx@org |
Name | Description | Return |
init | a method from initialization google api environment which mean u should call it after new DriveTreeCreator,immediately and every method calling should after init finish |
Promise |
signIn | get pop page to sign in google account | Promise |
signOut | Sign Out User | Promise |
isSignIn | check user Sign In state | Boolean |
start | start to create tree view | Promise |
getCurrentUser | start to create tree viewget user information from current sign in | Object |
// how to use events?
Name | Description | Return |
signInStateChange | user sign in state change | {state:true/false} |
loadProcess | progress state of loading google files | {process: 'start'/'end'/num, count: 0} |