This will display the RPM count on 4x 7 segment displays as well as print RPM to serial port at 250 ms intervals.
The input pin needs to be a digital input on which an interrupt can be attached. Please see for details on which pins can have interrupts attached. For many of the clone Arduino boards, you will need to figure out which board you have. The 'Due' might be a good starting point.
The input will need to either pulse HIGH or pulse LOW. Change RISING / FALLING in attachInterrupt() in the setup to suit. Alternatively, a NOT gate can be added. Voltage will need to be 0V and 5V to trigger rising and falling edges.
- Hall effect sensors
- IR LEDs and IR LDRs
- Frequency generators (though this is limited to ~166Hz as that is about 9999 BPM).
Greater accuracy can be achieved through increasing the number of sensor triggers, for example, three magnets evenly spaced on a shaft you are measuring and set the MULTIPLIER macro to 3.
- WONTFIX: Approximately every 50 days the milliseconds timer will rollover causing one erroneous measurement. This is a limitation of how Arduino handles the millisecond counter internally, and is unlikely to affect most users.
- WONTFIX: Clock drift on the Arduino will affect overall accuracy. The amount will vary depending on reference clock used and the environment the counter is placed in.
The tachometer project uses (and includes) the SevSeg library available from: