ChaseApp notifications and chat application using Flutter and Firebase, where users can register and start conversing with each other.
- Cloning the repository:
$ git clone
- Open the project and install dependencies (using terminal):
$ cd chaseapp
$ flutter pub get
This installs all the required dependencies like cloud_firestore, shared_preferences, flutter_spinkit etc...
Make an android project on your firebase account, follow the mentioned steps and you're good to go.
Now run the app on your connected device (using terminal):
- You need to get your SHA and SHA256 signing key from the output of 'gradlew signingReport'
- Upload keys to the ChaseApp firebase project -
- Download the updated google-services.json and install into the chaseapp/android/app/ directory
- Configure ~/.gradle/ for Mapbox Secret Token
Supply the correct Pusher Instance ID and Stream Chat API key:
flutter build ipa --flavor prod --target lib/main_prod.dart --dart-define=Prod_Pusher_Instance_Id=4asdfasdf33 --dart-define=Prod_GetStream_Chat_Api_Key=sadfasdf
Open the build in xcode and hit distribute app
open /Users/mfreeman/src/flutter/build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive
To trigger the CI/CD workflow for store deployment for android and ios, push a tagged commit with the latest version tag like follow,
git tag v0.1 -a -m "Release v0.1"
git push --follow-tags
Flutter target Identifier: com.carverauto.chaseapp --> Production
AppImageNotification target Identifier: com.carverauto.chaseapp.AppImageNotification
Profiles and certificates used for creating Prod
release for above identifiers.
Development Profile for target Flutter: Chaseapp-prod
Development Certificate used: Used any one of the dev certificate as the profile includes all of them.
Development Profile for target AppImageNotification: AppImage
Development Certificate used: Used any one of the dev certificate as the profile includes all of them.
Distribution Profile for target Flutter: sep17-provisionProfile
Distribution Certificate used: 2022/12/28
Development Profile for target AppImageNotification: wildcard
Development Certificate used: 2022/12/28
We are using manual signing and provisioning profiles are set likewise in the xcode. And the flutter build ipa
command throws error when exporting archive when manual signing is used.
That's why we are providing ExportOptions.plist
file which includes manual signing settings to use while exporting archive. If any changes are need to be made in export profiles, then updated ExportOptions.plist needs to be updated here.
ExportOptions.plist can be generated once by manually exporting the archive through xcode.
Steps :
- Build archive through
flutter build ipa ...other parameters
- Open archive in xcode and export it.
- Copy updated ExportOptions.plist from the exported archive folder within build folder in project dir.
We need to change the Java version:
Create a custom script above the android build step with the shell script:
echo "Default JAVA "$JAVA_HOME
echo "OpenJDK 8 "$JAVA_HOME_8_X64
echo "OpenJDK 11 "$JAVA_HOME_11_X64
# Change JAVA_HOME to OPENJDK 11