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1. Prepare the Content

Sebastian Annies edited this page May 21, 2015 · 2 revisions

DASH.encrypt itself does not encode content. Therefore you need encode the content before. There are a bunch of commercial H264 encoders but as everybody has access to ffmpeg I'll use it for the examples:

  1. Download a source file:

     $ wget
  2. Create video file encoded at 250k 436p, H.264 codec:

     $ ffmpeg -i sintel-1024-surround.mp4 -an -b:v 250k -s:v 1024x436 -keyint_min 24 -g 72 -vcodec libx264 vid_rep_1.mp4
  3. Create video file encoded at 500k 436p, H.264 codec:

     $ ffmpeg -i sintel-1024-surround.mp4 -an -b:v 500k -s:v 1024x436 -keyint_min 24 -g 72 -vcodec libx264 vid_rep_2.mp4
  4. Create video file encoded at 1000k 436p, H.264 codec:

     $ ffmpeg -i sintel-1024-surround.mp4 -an -b:v 1000k -s:v 1024x436 -keyint_min 24 -g 72 -vcodec libx264 vid_rep_3.mp4
  5. Create audio file encoded at 69k stereo, HE-AAC codec:

     $ ffmpeg -i sintel-1024-surround.mp4 -vn -ac 2 -acodec libfdk_aac -profile:a aac_he -ab 64k sou_rep_1.mp4
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