Hi, this is the castLabs Django coding challenge. This challenge is designed to test your Django and Python skills.
- Completed using Python v3.10 and all code must be annotated with type hints from the standard library
module. - Runs on docker and the application can be started with a single command
docker-compose up
- The running application can be reached in the browser at [docker host]:8080
- The application is delivered with a sufficient admin reachable at [docker host]:8080/admin
- Delivered as a public fork of this GitHub repository
You are implementing part of an SDK licensing application used to permit clients to download the company's proprietary software. The sales team needs a feature which automatically notifies them when one of their client's licenses will expire (and thus prevent the client from using the associated package).
A bare bones Django project is provided in the license_portal directory. Within the licenses
application implement an email sending mechanism to notify the admin point of contact licenses.Client.admin_poc
of their clients license licenses.License
expiration times. The message must be sent to a clients admin point of contact only if the following conditions are met:
- The client has licenses which expire in exactly 4 months
- The client has licenses which expire within a month and today is monday
- The client has licenses which expire within a week
- All of the above
The email body must consist of a list of all a client's licenses which meet the above conditions and emails must only include details for a single client (e.g. a separate email for each client). The expiring licenses in the email body must include:
- license id
- license type
- name of the package
- expiration date
- poc information of the client (name and email address)
Finally, this job must be trigger-able via an HTTP POST request without authentication or csrf validation and must include a summary of notifications sent since the application started on the homepage.
Tip: Use django's builtin django.core.mail.backends.locmem.EmailBackend
Bonus: Implement the licenses
application as an API, and serve the frontend using a separate Docker image
None! Use whatever tools / third party libraries you feel are necessary to complete the task.