This is a Moodle Block Plugin used to issue Acclaim badges when a course is successfully completed.
To install this block plugin:
- Navigate to the release tab and download the latest release zip.
- Unzip the zip file and rename the top level directory to acclaim.
- Rezip the directory and name the zip file
- Login to Moodle as Administrator.
- Navigate to: Site Administration > Plugins > Install Plugins.
- Under Plugin type, choose “Block.”
- Drag and drop
- Select “Install Plugin From Zip.”
- Next, select “Install plugin!” If all validations pass.
- Choose “Upgrade Moodle database now”.
- Press continue, when prompted to upgrade version.
- Enter the Acclaim URL, your Organization ID and Token.
- Choose “Save changes”.
Once the Block Plugin has been installed, you can attach a Badge to any of your Moodle Courses as follows.
- Begin by logging in as Administrator, teacher, or course creator.
- Turn on editing.
- Next, select the course you wish to attach a badge to from Navigation > Current Course. You must be in a course view to add the Acclaim Block because it operates in that course context.
- Add the Acclaim Block from “Add A Block” drop down.
- Next, click “Select Badge” in the Acclaim Block to choose which Acclaim badge will be issued upon course completion.
- Select a badge to be issued by selecting the “Acclaim Badges” drop down. This list is generated by connecting to the Acclaim platform using the credentials defined during installation.
- Optionally select a badge expiration date by choosing the date, and checking “Enable”
- Lastly, select “Save Changes”
In addition to configuring the Acclaim plugin, you will also need to configure how a course is successfully completed.
- First, navigate to Home > Navigation > My Courses > Select Course > Edit Settings
- Enable completion tracking, and select save.
- Finally, edit the Criteria that will trigger a course completion. This can be done by navigating to administration > course administration > select criteria. For example, course grade.
Note: If course completion tracking is missing from the course settings, enable completion tracking: Administration > Course administration > Edit Settings > Enable completion tracking.
Further documentation on course completion tracking can be found here:
This plugin includes unit tests to verify functionality.
- Set up your installation to support unit testing:
- Create env variable named token with value of a valid token on Acclaim.
- vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit blocks/acclaim/tests
- The stage environent and org ID is hard coded in the unit tests. This should be changed to something like a env variable.
- Allow a course to have a badge set to none (or delete).
- Create language file so this plugin can be used on platforms other then english.
- 2016-03-14
- Replaced entering API URL with dropdown with production and sandbox as choices
- Get all active templates when more than 50 and sorted alphabetically