A set of 2 annotations that allow to simply inject properties from properties files.
- Inject a property by simply annotating a String attribute
- Annotate a class to specify the properties files to load
- Alternatively, properties files can be listed in a configuration file
- Supports field injection and method injection
- Uses CDI to perform the injection
- Java EE 6 with CDI 1.0 enabled
mvn clean compile package
mvn verify
mvn clean install
- Build the jar and drop it with dependencies
- Annotate the class where the injection will be performed with the @PropertiesFiles annotation, this annotation will list all the properties files that will be loaded
@PropertiesFiles({"file1.properties", "file2.properties"})
public MyClass {
- alternatively you can list the files in a configuration file named inject.property.xml, this file must be available in the classpath
- Annotate a String attribute (the type string is mandatory as of current version) that will receive the value of the property with the annotations @Inject and @Property("${property.key}") where ${property.key} is the key of the property in the properties file
public MyClass {
private String adminEmail;
- Method injection can also be used
public MyClass {
private String adminEmail;
public void setAdminEmail(@Property("admin.email") String adminEmail) {
this.adminEmail = adminEmail;
- The files listed in the annotation @PropertiesFiles are loaded and used for the injection, the files listed in the configuration file inject.property.xml are ignored
- If @PropertiesFiles is not present then inject.property.xml is used