Setup Local Dev Environment
- Install Python and PIP on the local system
- We’ll be using poetry for dependency management: install poetry with the command “pip install poetry”. Further basic usage information is here.
- Git clone from this repository:
- Modify .streamlit/secrets.toml to use your own ChatGPT API key
- If you already have a ChatGPT assistant created with the necessary files, then simply modify config.ini to use your own assistant id. Otherwise, you can create a new assistant with the command "python scripts/ --directory /path/to/directory/ --extension pdf"
- Make sure that poetry is configured to create the virtual environment in the project root folder with the command "poetry config true"
- Use poetry to create the virtual environment with the command “poetry install” under the project root folder. You may see the message "The current project could not be installed: No file/folder found for package lexbudget If you do not want to install the current project use --no-root" but it’s only a warning and you can ignore it.
- Get a shell for the poetry virtual environment with the command “poetry shell”
- In the virtual environment shell, start the Streamlit server with the command “streamlit run”: the webapp should automatically open in your browser
- Stop the streamlit server by entering ctrl + C in the terminal: exit the poetry shell by entering “exit”