Toystalgic is a MERN Stack eCommerce application selling nostalgic toys in which customers can also interact with enthusiasts on a forum. This eCommerce website was created using Express, React.js, Node.js, Apollo, GraphQL, & Stripe dashboard for checkout. The front-end of the application was styled using 100% CSS.
Link to view original group commits.
Stripe card number for testing application:
Card #: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Exp: 12/34
CVC: any three numbers (ex: 123)
Use any name and zip code
✅ The homepage is a shopping page that can organized by decade.
✅ When the user clicks the "Add to Cart" button a product will be added to the cart.
✅ When the user clicks on the product image the user is taken to the single product page where the user can look at more product details and/or add an item to the cart.
✅ The user may login or create a new profile to checkout the items in the cart.
✅ Once the user has checked out the user may view the order history.
✅ Anyone can view the forum but a user must be logged in to contribute comments to the forum.
✅ The about us page shows the creators of the application.
npm i
@ all json files
npm run develop
@ main json file
To create new Heroku App
heroku create (optional app name)
To add revisions to your Heroku App
git add .
git commit -m "heroku commit"
heroku git:remote -a YOUR_APP_NAME
git push heroku main
If you are directed to the wrong Heroku App
git remote rm heroku
heroku git:remote -a YOUR_APP_NAME
List of Contributors:
- Kelly Walsh
- Catherine Foye
- Cynthia Godoy
- Aubree Zarges
Kelly Walsh - [email protected]
Catherine Foye - [email protected]
Cynthia Godoy - [email protected]
Aubree Zarges - [email protected]