A Discord bot make with Love and nodejs.
Make sure you have install nodejs
Navigate to project folder and install all dependencies:
$ npm i
Add your bot token (Create one here) in botsettings.json
To run the bot:
npm index.js
Go to /commands
Ex: to make bot say hi, go to commands
create a file name hi.js
and add
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const botconfig = require("../botsettings.json");//load bot config
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
return message.channel.send("Hello") //return the text Hello
module.exports.config = {
name: "hi",//Name of the command
description: "",//description for the command
usage: "hi",//run the command
accessableby: "Members", //what permission requre to run the command
aliases: ['h'] //another way to use the command
- discord.js
- moment
- Optimize the code
- Add more modules
- A full document on how to setup & run
For all Question contact me: [email protected]