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Carlos E. Salazar edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

There are two ways to include new pages/events; one being a bit more complex (requires software installation and basic command line usage) than the other, but offering the advantage of rendering the changes on the browser, on real-time.

The "hard" way

You'll need to have git and Node.js (preferably version 8.xx LTS) installed on your computer. If you're using Mac or Linux, you probably have git already, you can check this by opening a terminal and executing the command git --version. If you see the version, you have it; otherwise install it using your package manager. If you're using Windows, first, receive my condolences, then install it.

To install Node.js, simply download it from their website or use your package manager. Then run the command npm --version on your terminal and you will see the version displayed.

After installing, or checking if git and Node.js are installed, the fun begins:

  1. Fork the repository: go to and click the Fork button.
  2. Clone the repository: you can either use software like GitHub Desktop or Sourcetree, or run the command git clone<your-username>/berlinblockchainweek on the terminal.
  3. You'll need to use the terminal now: get into the folder of the project (I.E. cd berlinblockchainweek) and execute npm install. After the installation completes, execute the command npm run dev.
  4. Open your browser and browse the URL http://localhost:8080, you should see now a local copy of the website. Path yourself on the back for getting this far! 😃
  5. Duplicate an existing event to use it as base: make a copy the folder /template, located inside of /events using the name of your event (keep the name lowercase and use dashes instead of spaces). For example: /my-cool-conference. The final path of your new folder would look like this: /events/my-cool-conference.
  6. Edit the content of the file located inside of the folder you just created, following the instructions/annotations on it. The annotations begin with a # sign and are ignored by the website, only the text counts. Every time you save the file, you'll see the changes applied on the page, without need to refresh. If the page doesn't change, you have a typo or didn't follow the instructions described on the annotations.
  7. After you decide you're done with the changes, commit your changes either using your git app (GitHub Desktop, Sourcetree, etc) or on the command line: git add . && git commit. Please write a short meaningful and descriptive message for your commit, for example: Add My Cool Conference event. In the case of the command line, your text editor should open automatically, just write your commit message, save it, and close the editor.
  8. Make a pull request: get to, click Pull requests (under the name of the project), and then click the green New pull request button, select your repository on the right side, and click Create pull request. Fill in the details and submit.

The easy (for you, not for me!) way

If you want to submit an event:

  1. Open a new issue.
  2. Read the instructions on the body of the issue.
  3. Fill in the details, without removing any line that is not a comment (the comments/annotations start with a #).
  4. Please double check your indentation, spaces, and anything else that wouldn't stick to the instructions.
  5. Submit the issue and sit tight... Your event will be published soon™.
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