search for a book based on title and/or author; aSearchResult
JSON response/book/[id]
an HTML view of book data/isbn/[isbn13]
an HTML view of book data/isbn-json/[isbn13]
JSON response
type ApiBook = {
id: string;
createdAt: number|Date;
updatedAt: number|Date;
title: string;
isbn13: string;
authors: ApiAuthor[];
longTitle?: string|null;
synopsis?: string|null;
publicationDate?: string|null;
publisher?: string|null;
binding: 'Unknown'|'Hardcover'|'Paperback'|'Ebook'|'Audiobook';
image?: ApiImage|null;
type ApiAuthor = {
id: string;
createdAt: number|Date;
updatedAt: number|Date;
name: string;
type ApiImage = {
id: string;
createdAt: number|Date;
updatedAt: number|Date;
url: string;
width: number;
height: number;
type SearchResultSuccess = {
status: 'ok';
books: ApiBook[];
type SearchResultError = {
status: 'error';
message: string;
type SearchResult = SearchResultSuccess|SearchResultError;
type IsbnResponseError = {
status: 'error';
message: string;
type IsbnResponseSuccess = {
status: 'ok';
book: ApiBook;
type IsbnResponse = IsbnResponseError|IsbnResponseSuccess;