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how to optimize some algorithm in cuda.
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If you use python and mysql, maybe one day you want it. base on pure mysql-connector ,auto manage connection and support 【no pool connect 、fixed 、dynamic pool】. Now used inBaidu poi off-line calcul…
This is a Unity Naval Warfare Simulator made in the NCSU Advanced Game Projects class along with 29 other students over the course of a whole semester. Can only run in Unity 4.6.1.
Naval Battleship Game for COMP30019 Graphics and Interactions
Educational C++ code used at SIGGRAPH 2016 Course "Physically Based Sound for Computer Animation and Virtual Environments"
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Realtime WebGL origami simulator
📖 书籍《Unity Shader入门精要》源代码
An example of how to use the Tilia packages to create great content with VRTK v4.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
基于 Flask 框架开发的微信小程序后端项目,用于构建小程序商城后台 (电商相关;rbac权限管理;附带自动生成Swagger 风格的API 文档;可作「Python 项目毕设」)---- 相关博客链接:🌟
OpenGL program that can render and smoothly animate faces representing different human emotions on a human head mesh.