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Projects including coursework for UChicago's Masters of Science in Analytics, practice exercises and drafts.


Course projects, homework, and capstone draft scripts for UChicago's Masters of Science in Analytics.


  • Python (Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing)
  • R (Linear & Non Linear Models, Time Series)
  • Julia (Optimization)


  • Linear & Non Linear Models
    • Course project exploring the DepmixS4 package for Hidden Markov Models. Simulated a dataset based on known initial values and transition probabilities then compared with the output of the package model.
  • Machine Learning
    • Course project using ML techniques to predict mental health care seekers based on survey data. Techniques applied include data exploration and cleanup, feature engineering, model application and evaluation.
  • Natural Language Processing
    • Homework assignment cleaning City of Chicago restaurant inspection data and using comments to predict outcome of inspection. Techniques applied include text parsing, feature extraction with TF-IDF and CountVectorizor, model application and evaluation.
  • Optimization
    • Homework assignment optimizing a linear problem with linear constraints using Julia GLPK solver.
  • Time Series
    • Course project predicting global temperature change and atmospheric CO2. Techniques applied include data imputation, Holtz Winters and seasonal ARIMA model application, and evaluation.

Practice Exercises

Python solutions and tests to exercises on