Projects including coursework for UChicago's Masters of Science in Analytics, practice exercises and drafts.
Course projects, homework, and capstone draft scripts for UChicago's Masters of Science in Analytics.
- Python (Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing)
- R (Linear & Non Linear Models, Time Series)
- Julia (Optimization)
- Linear & Non Linear Models
- Course project exploring the DepmixS4 package for Hidden Markov Models. Simulated a dataset based on known initial values and transition probabilities then compared with the output of the package model.
- Machine Learning
- Course project using ML techniques to predict mental health care seekers based on survey data. Techniques applied include data exploration and cleanup, feature engineering, model application and evaluation.
- Natural Language Processing
- Homework assignment cleaning City of Chicago restaurant inspection data and using comments to predict outcome of inspection. Techniques applied include text parsing, feature extraction with TF-IDF and CountVectorizor, model application and evaluation.
- Optimization
- Homework assignment optimizing a linear problem with linear constraints using Julia GLPK solver.
- Time Series
- Course project predicting global temperature change and atmospheric CO2. Techniques applied include data imputation, Holtz Winters and seasonal ARIMA model application, and evaluation.
Python solutions and tests to exercises on