FlatRBAC provides a Julia implementation for the first level of the NIST model for role based access control and aims to ease the process of defining, enforcing and maintaining security policies.
The package embodies the essential aspects of RBAC, as described in the model:
- Many to many subject-role assignment
- Many to many permission-role assignment
- Subjects acquire permissions through roles
- Subject-role assignment review
- Subjects may exercise permissions of multiple roles
and it also adds some additional features:
- Multi-action, multi-resource permissions
- Define and exert access control on domains
In the context of this package, neither active role restrictions, hierarchy, nor sessions are implemented.
The package is under active development and changes may occur.
All are welcome, as well as feature requests and bug reports. Please open an issue or a PR.
The package can be installed via package manager
pkg> add FlatRBAC
It can also be installed by providing a URL to the repository
pkg> add https://github.com/charlieIT/flatrbac.jl
using FlatRBAC
Define subjects
third_party = Subject(id="3rdPartySystem")
Define permissions
read_database = Permission(name="read_db", resources=["database"], actions=["read", "list"])
create_key = Permission("create-key:api-key:create") # `name:resources:actions`
Create roles and grant permissions
third_party_role = Role(name="3rdPartyApi")
grant!(third_party_role, read_database, create_key)
# Alternatively,
third_party_role = Role(name="3rdPartyApi", permissions=[read_database, create_key])
Grant roles to a subject
grant!(third_party, third_party_role)
Check if a subject is authorised
isauthorised(third_party, ":database:read") # true
isauthorised(third_party, ":api-key:create") # true
isauthorised(third_party, ":database:delete") # false
A Permission
is a mechanism for authorisation, specifying actions
a given subject
can perform over resources
Permissions may be defined in shorthand
form as <name>:<resources>:<actions>:<scope>
julia> cruds = Permission(name="admin", resources=["*"], actions=["create", "read", "update", "delete"], scope=FlatRBAC.All, description="CRUD Admin")
Permission("admin", ["*"], ["create", "read", "update", "delete"], "CRUD Admin", FlatRBAC.None)
julia> shorthand = Permission("admin:*:create,read,update,delete:all", "CRUD Admin")
Permission("admin", ["*"], ["create", "read", "update", "delete"], "CRUD Admin", FlatRBAC.None)
Permissions default to wildcard values ("*"
) for both resources
and actions
julia> Permission()
Permissions are always positive and grant all specified actions to each resource
example = Permission(":any:c,r,u,d")
# example is granted (any:c), (any:r), (any:u), (any,d)
for action in actions(example)
@assert isauthorised(example, Permission(":any:$(action)")) "Should not fail"
See also permission docs.
Scopes allow binding of permissions to custom domain/tenants and can also be used for possession checks.
Permissions default to scope None
julia> Permission("example:resource:action")
Permission("example", ["resource"], ["action"], "", FlatRBAC.None)
The package provides implementation for three base scopes:
FlatRBAC.All - Type
- This scope acts as an
and will, by default, grant access to any other scope.
FlatRBAC.Own - Type
- Own and Own subtypes are useful for dealing with resource possession and should be used in conjunction with ownership/possession checks in the application logic.
FlatRBAC.None - Type
- This is the default scope and will, by default, only grant access to the None scope.
The package provides default behaviour for Scope
abstract type MyScope <:FlatRBAC.Scope end
scoped = Permission("example:resource:read:myscope")
# Permission("example", ["resource"], ["read"], "", MyScope)
abstract type App <:MyScope end
abstract type API <:MyScope end
MyScope grants access to its subtypes
isauthorised(Permission(":resource:crud:myscope"), Permission(":resource:crud:app"), scoped=true) # true
isauthorised(Permission(":resource:crud:myscope"), Permission(":resource:crud:api"), scoped=true) # true
App does not grant access to API
isauthorised(Permission(":resource:crud:app"), Permission(":resource:crud:api"), scoped=true) # false
Both App and API grant access to Own and additional possession checks should be performed at application level
isauthorised(Permission(":resource:crud:app"), Permission(":resource:crud:own"), scoped=true) # true
isauthorised(Permission(":resource:crud:api"), Permission(":resource:crud:own"), scoped=true) # true
For additional notes and performance considerations, see also the scope docs.
define an authority level or function within a context. These are usually defined in accordance with job competency, authority or responsability.
In this package, roles are collection of permissions that can be assigned to subjects
, allowing them to perform actions
over resources
Roles can extend other roles
permA = [Permission(":projects:read"), Permission(":documents:export")]
RoleA = Role(name="A", permissions=permA)
julia> permissions(RoleA)
2-element Vector{Permission}:
# A was not granted edit privileges over documents
@assert !isauthorised(RoleA, Permission(":documents:edit"))
permB = [Permission(":projects,documents:read,edit")]
RoleB = Role(name="B", permissions=permB)
permC = [Permission(":api:list")]
RoleC = Role(name="C", permissions=permC)
# Extend `A` with permissions from `B` and `C`
julia> extend!(RoleA, RoleB, RoleC)
4-element Vector{Permission}:
# now it is possible, as RoleA obtained this privilege from RoleB
@assert isauthorised(RoleA, Permission(":documents:edit"))
Both permissions and roles can be revoked from a Role
# Revoke permissions of `B` from `A`
revoke!(RoleA, RoleB)
# no longer possible
@assert !isauthorised(RoleA, Permission(":documents:edit")) # no longer possible
example = Role(name="Example")
grant!(example, Permission("read_all:*:read"))
# 1-element Vector{Permission}: Permission(read_all:*:read:none)
revoke!(example, Permission("read_all:*:read"))
# Permission[]
Note: As of v.0.1
and v0.2
revocation is performed based on permission equality. In the future, revocation will ensure any permission from B that implies a permission from A is also revoked.
See also role docs.
An automated agent, person or any relevant third party for which authorisation should be enforced.
role = Role(name="Example", permissions=[Permission()])
sysadmin = Subject(id="sysadmin", name="System Admin", roles=[role])
The process of verifying whether a given subject
is allowed to access and perform specific actions
over a resource
, subjects may exercise permissions of multiple roles. Authorisation logic will default to this behaviour, i.e., (pseudo-code) granted(user, permission) = granted(permissions(subject), permission)
, regardless of the roles or specific permissions that will satisfy the condition.
However, when authorising, you can specify whether authorisation should only be granted if permission
is granted within a single role, i.e, (pseudo-code) granted(user, permission) = any(x->granted(role, permission), roles(subject)
. Use singlerole=true
to trigger this behaviour.
Permission based authorisation checks
coverage = Permission(":projects,api,database:create,read,update")
requirement = Permission(":database:create,read,update")
isauthorised(coverage, requirement) # true
coverage = Permission(":projects,api,database:create,read,delete") # update action is removed
# checking exactly for (create,read and update) on database
requirement = Permission(":database:create,read,update")
isauthorised(coverage, requirement) # false
Recommendation is to be wary when using complex permissions in authorisation checks.
Subject based authorisation checks
store_perms = [
store_roles = [
# Authors can view everything and update their own resources
Role("author", store_perms["update-own"]..., store_perms["view-any"]...),
# Customers can temporarily rent books, view and buy anything
Role("customer", store_perms["rent-books"]..., store_perms["buy"]...),
# Employees can rent and update anything
Role("employee", store_perms["rent-any"]..., store_perms["update-any"]...)]
john = Subject(id="John")
grant!(john , store_roles["customer"]...) # John is a customer
# Can rent and buy books
@assert isauthorised(john, ":books:buy,rent")
# Can view books, movies and music
@assert isauthorised(john, ":books,movies,music:view")
Using single-role
julia = Subject(id="Julia")
# Employees can also be customers
grant!(julia, store_roles["employee"]..., store_roles["customer"]...)
# Granted rent on any resource via employee role
@assert isauthorised(julia, ":movies,music,files:rent", singlerole=true) # true
# Buy and rent for music are not granted via the same role
# Rent -> Employee role; Buy -> Customer role
@assert !isauthorised(julia, ":music:buy,rent", singlerole=true)
isauthorised(subject, permission; singlerole=false, scoped=true, kwargs...)::Bool
See also web examples.
using FlatRBAC
using JSON3
using HTTP
using Random
import HTTP.Handlers.cookie_middleware as CookieMiddleware
Setup RBAC logic
#= Setup RBAC Roles =#
guest = Role("guest", Permission(":*:view:all"))
#= Setup some subjects =#
const users = [
Subject(id="anonymous"), # no roles
Subject(id="guest", roles=[guest])
Mockup authentication and session management
#!Not actual production code!
const COOKIE_NAME = "app"
#= Mockup web session logic =#
SESSIONS = Dict{String, HTTP.Cookies.Cookie}()
"""Mockup login as Guest"""
function MockupLogin(req::HTTP.Request)
cookie = HTTP.Cookies.Cookie(COOKIE_NAME, randstring(12))
SESSIONS["guest"] = cookie
# Respond with the cookie
return HTTP.Response(200, ["Set-Cookie"=>HTTP.stringify(cookie)])
Middleware to map incoming requests to an app user session
#!Not actual production code!
"""Check request cookies for matching session"""
function SessionMiddleware(handler)
return function(req::HTTP.Request)
uname = "anonymous" # default to anonymous
cookiejar = HTTP.Handlers.cookies(req)
match = findfirst(x->x.name == COOKIE_NAME, cookiejar)
if !isnothing(match)
appcookie = cookiejar[match]
user = filter(kv->kv.second.value == appcookie.value, SESSIONS)
if isempty(user) # session open but unknown user
return HTTP.Response(401, "Unauthorized")
uname = first(user).first
# set user and pass along the request
req.context[:user] = users[findfirst(x->x.id == uname, users)]
return handler(req)
Middleware to authorise access to app resources
function Authorisation(handler)
return function(req::HTTP.Request)
user = req.context[:user]
resource = string(req.context[:params]["resource"])
# Check if user is granted view access to this resource
if !FlatRBAC.isauthorised(user, Permission(":$(resource):view"))
return HTTP.Response(401, "Unauthorized")
req.context[:subject] = user
req.context[:resource] = string(resource)
return handler(req)
Mockup resource handler
function handler(req::HTTP.Request)
uname = req.context[:subject].name
resource = req.context[:resource]
return HTTP.Response(200, "Welcome $(uname)! You can access $(resource)")
Setup the HTTP server
router = HTTP.Router((x->HTTP.Response(404)), (x->HTTP.Response(405)))
HTTP.register!(router, "GET", "/api/{resource}", Authorisation(handler))
HTTP.register!(router, "POST", "/login", MockupLogin)
server_middleware = router |> CookieMiddleware |> SessionMiddleware
server = HTTP.serve!(server_middleware, "", 80)
Check if it works
# Anonymous cannot view book resources
@info HTTP.get("http://localhost/api/books", status_exception=false)
┌ Info: HTTP.Messages.Response:
│ """
│ HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
│ Transfer-Encoding: chunked
└ Unauthorized"""
# Authenticate as guest
@info HTTP.post("http://localhost/login", cookies=true, status_exception=false)
┌ Info: HTTP.Messages.Response:
│ """
│ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
│ Set-Cookie: app=<randstring>
│ Transfer-Encoding: chunked
└ """
# Guest can view books
@info HTTP.get("http://localhost/api/books"; cookiejar = HTTP.COOKIEJAR, status_exception=false)
┌ Info: HTTP.Messages.Response:
│ """
│ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
│ Transfer-Encoding: chunked
└ Welcome guest! You can access books"""
# Close the server