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jackkoenig committed Nov 11, 2022
2 parents 22a28fa + 3d12cf4 commit 41ccc7f
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Showing 8 changed files with 328 additions and 39 deletions.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0



lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,10 +63,21 @@ lazy val firrtlSettings = Seq(

lazy val mimaSettings = Seq(
mimaPreviousArtifacts := Set("edu.berkeley.cs" %% "firrtl" % "1.5.0")
mimaPreviousArtifacts := Set("edu.berkeley.cs" %% "firrtl" % "1.5.4"),
mimaBinaryIssueFilters ++= Seq(
// These are real issues but users should not be extending things in the firrtl.antlr package

lazy val protobufSettings = Seq(
// The parentheses around the version help avoid version ambiguity in release scripts
ProtobufConfig / version := ("3.18.2"), // CVE-2021-22569
ProtobufConfig / sourceDirectory := baseDirectory.value / "src" / "main" / "proto",
ProtobufConfig / protobufRunProtoc := (args => com.github.os72.protocjar.Protoc.runProtoc("-v351" +: args.toArray))
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/main/antlr4/FIRRTL.g4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,16 @@ import firrtl.LexerHelper;

// Does there have to be at least one module?
: 'circuit' id ':' info? INDENT module* DEDENT EOF
: version? NEWLINE* 'circuit' id ':' info? INDENT module* DEDENT EOF

: 'FIRRTL' 'version' semver NEWLINE

// Due to lexer problems, something like 1.1.0 is lexed as DoubleLit '.' UnsignedInt
: DoubleLit '.' UnsignedInt

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,6 +281,7 @@ keywordAsId
| 'assert'
| 'assume'
| 'cover'
| 'version'

// Parentheses are added as part of name because semantics require no space between primop and open parentheses
Expand Down
20 changes: 18 additions & 2 deletions src/main/scala/firrtl/Parser.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,16 @@ import firrtl.parser.Listener
import firrtl.Utils.time
import firrtl.antlr.{FIRRTLParser, _}

import scala.util.control.NonFatal

class ParserException(message: String) extends FirrtlUserException(message)

case class ParameterNotSpecifiedException(message: String) extends ParserException(message)
case class ParameterRedefinedException(message: String) extends ParserException(message)
case class InvalidStringLitException(message: String) extends ParserException(message)
case class InvalidEscapeCharException(message: String) extends ParserException(message)
case class SyntaxErrorsException(message: String) extends ParserException(message)
case class UnsupportedVersionException(message: String) extends ParserException(message)

object Parser extends LazyLogging {

Expand All @@ -41,12 +44,25 @@ object Parser extends LazyLogging {

// Concrete Syntax Tree
// Syntax errors may violate assumptions in the Listener and Visitor.
// We need to handle these errors gracefully.
val throwable =
try {
} catch {
case e: ParserException => throw e
case NonFatal(e) => Some(e)

val numSyntaxErrors = parser.getNumberOfSyntaxErrors
if (numSyntaxErrors > 0) throw new SyntaxErrorsException(s"$numSyntaxErrors syntax error(s) detected")

// Note that this should never happen because any throwables caught should be due to syntax
// errors that are reported above. This is just to ensure that we don't accidentally mask any
// bugs in the Parser, Listener, or Visitor.
if (throwable.nonEmpty) Utils.throwInternalError(exception = throwable)


Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/scala/firrtl/Utils.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ object Utils extends LazyLogging {
* @param message - possible string to emit,
* @param exception - possible exception triggering the error.
def throwInternalError(message: String = "", exception: Option[Exception] = None) = {
def throwInternalError(message: String = "", exception: Option[Throwable] = None) = {
// We'll get the first exception in the chain, keeping it intact.
val first = true
val throwable = getThrowable(exception, true)
Expand Down
219 changes: 188 additions & 31 deletions src/main/scala/firrtl/ir/Serializer.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,19 @@ import firrtl.Utils
import firrtl.backends.experimental.smt.random.DefRandom
import firrtl.constraint.Constraint

case class Version(major: Int, minor: Int, patch: Int) {
def serialize: String = s"$major.$minor.$patch"
def incompatible(that: Version): Boolean =
this.major > that.major || (this.major == that.major && this.minor > that.minor)

object Serializer {
val NewLine = '\n'
val Indent = " "

// The version supported by the serializer.
val version = Version(1, 1, 0)

/** Converts a `FirrtlNode` into its string representation with
* default indentation.
Expand All @@ -24,21 +33,44 @@ object Serializer {
case n: Info => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: StringLit => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Expression => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Statement => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Statement => builder ++= lazily(n, indent).mkString
case n: Width => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Orientation => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Field => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Type => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Direction => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Port => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Param => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: DefModule => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: Circuit => s(n)(builder, indent)
case n: DefModule => builder ++= lazily(n, indent).mkString
case n: Circuit => builder ++= lazily(n, indent).mkString
case other => builder ++= other.serialize // Handle user-defined nodes

/** Converts a `FirrtlNode` to an Iterable of Strings
* The Strings in the Iterable can be concatenated to give the String representation of the
* `FirrtlNode`. This is useful for buffered emission, especially for large Circuits that
* encroach on the JVM limit on String size (2 GiB).
def lazily(node: FirrtlNode): Iterable[String] = lazily(node, 0)

/** Converts a `FirrtlNode` to an Iterable of Strings
* The Strings in the Iterable can be concatenated to give the String representation of the
* `FirrtlNode`. This is useful for buffered emission, especially for large Circuits that
* encroach on the JVM limit on String size (2 GiB).
def lazily(node: FirrtlNode, indent: Int): Iterable[String] = new Iterable[String] {
def iterator = node match {
case n: Statement => sIt(n)(indent)
case n: DefModule => sIt(n)(indent)
case n: Circuit => sIt(n)(indent)
case other => Iterator(serialize(other, indent))

/** Converts a `Constraint` into its string representation. */
def serialize(con: Constraint): String = {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,24 +124,134 @@ object Serializer {
case other => b ++= other.serialize // Handle user-defined nodes

// Helper for some not-real Statements that only exist for Serialization
private abstract class PseudoStatement extends Statement {
def foreachExpr(f: Expression => Unit): Unit = ???
def foreachInfo(f: Info => Unit): Unit = ???
def foreachStmt(f: Statement => Unit): Unit = ???
def foreachString(f: String => Unit): Unit = ???
def foreachType(f: Type => Unit): Unit = ???
def mapExpr(f: Expression => Expression): Statement = ???
def mapInfo(f: Info => Info): Statement = ???
def mapStmt(f: Statement => Statement): Statement = ???
def mapString(f: String => String): Statement = ???
def mapType(f: Type => Type): Statement = ???
def serialize: String = ???

// To treat Statments as Iterable, we need to flatten out when scoping
private case class WhenBegin(info: Info, pred: Expression) extends PseudoStatement
private case object AltBegin extends PseudoStatement
private case object WhenEnd extends PseudoStatement

// This does not extend Iterator[Statement] because
// 1. It is extended by StmtsSerializer which extends Iterator[String]
// 2. Flattening out whens introduces fake Statements needed for [un]indenting
private abstract class FlatStmtsIterator(stmts: Iterable[Statement]) {
private var underlying: Iterator[Statement] = stmts.iterator

protected def hasNextStmt = underlying.hasNext

protected def nextStmt(): Statement = {
var next: Statement = null
while (next == null && hasNextStmt) {
val head = underlying match {
case b: Block if b.stmts.isEmpty =>
next = EmptyStmt
case b: Block =>
val first = b.stmts.iterator
val last = underlying
underlying = first ++ last
case Conditionally(info, pred, conseq, alt) =>
val begin = WhenBegin(info, pred)
val stmts = if (alt == EmptyStmt) {
Iterator(begin, conseq, WhenEnd)
} else {
Iterator(begin, conseq, AltBegin, alt, WhenEnd)
val last = underlying
underlying = stmts ++ last
case other =>
next = other

// Extend FlatStmtsIterator directly (rather than wrapping a FlatStmtsIterator object) to reduce
// the boxing overhead
private class StmtsSerializer(stmts: Iterable[Statement], initialIndent: Int)
extends FlatStmtsIterator(stmts)
with Iterator[String] {

private def bufferSize = 2048

// We could initialze the StringBuilder size, but this is bad for small modules which may not
// even reach the bufferSize.
private implicit val b = new StringBuilder

// The flattening of Whens into WhenBegin and friends requires us to keep track of the
// indention level
private implicit var indent: Int = initialIndent

def hasNext: Boolean = this.hasNextStmt

def next(): String = {
def consumeStmt(stmt: Statement): Unit = {
stmt match {
case wb: WhenBegin =>
b ++= "when "; s(wb.pred); b ++= " :"; s(
indent += 1
case AltBegin =>
indent -= 1
b ++= "else :"
indent += 1
case WhenEnd =>
indent -= 1
case other =>
if (this.hasNext && stmt != WhenEnd) {
// There must always be at least 1 Statement because we're nonEmpty
var stmt: Statement = nextStmt()
while (stmt != null && b.size < bufferSize) {
stmt = nextStmt()
if (stmt != null) {

private def sIt(node: Statement)(implicit indent: Int): Iterator[String] = node match {
case b: Block =>
if (b.stmts.isEmpty) sIt(EmptyStmt)
else new StmtsSerializer(b.stmts, indent)
case cond: Conditionally => new StmtsSerializer(Seq(cond), indent)
case other =>
implicit val b = new StringBuilder

private def s(node: Statement)(implicit b: StringBuilder, indent: Int): Unit = node match {
case DefNode(info, name, value) => b ++= "node "; b ++= name; b ++= " = "; s(value); s(info)
case Connect(info, loc, expr) => s(loc); b ++= " <= "; s(expr); s(info)
case Conditionally(info, pred, conseq, alt) =>
b ++= "when "; s(pred); b ++= " :"; s(info)
newLineAndIndent(1); s(conseq)(b, indent + 1)
if (alt != EmptyStmt) {
newLineAndIndent(); b ++= "else :"
newLineAndIndent(1); s(alt)(b, indent + 1)
case EmptyStmt => b ++= "skip"
case Block(Seq()) => b ++= "skip"
case Block(stmts) =>
val it = stmts.iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
if (it.hasNext) newLineAndIndent()
case c: Conditionally => b ++= sIt(c).mkString
case EmptyStmt => b ++= "skip"
case bb: Block => b ++= sIt(bb).mkString
case stop @ Stop(info, ret, clk, en) =>
b ++= "stop("; s(clk); b ++= ", "; s(en); b ++= ", "; b ++= ret.toString; b += ')'
sStmtName(; s(info)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,28 +380,43 @@ object Serializer {
case other => b ++= other.serialize // Handle user-defined nodes

private def s(node: DefModule)(implicit b: StringBuilder, indent: Int): Unit = node match {
private def sIt(node: DefModule)(implicit indent: Int): Iterator[String] = node match {
case Module(info, name, ports, body) =>
doIndent(0); b ++= "module "; b ++= name; b ++= " :"; s(info)
ports.foreach { p => newLineAndIndent(1); s(p) }
newLineNoIndent() // add a new line between port declaration and body
newLineAndIndent(1); s(body)(b, indent + 1)
val start = {
implicit val b = new StringBuilder
doIndent(0); b ++= "module "; b ++= name; b ++= " :"; s(info)
ports.foreach { p => newLineAndIndent(1); s(p) }
newLineNoIndent() // add a blank line between port declaration and body
newLineNoIndent() // newline for body, sIt will indent
Iterator(start) ++ sIt(body)(indent + 1)
case ExtModule(info, name, ports, defname, params) =>
implicit val b = new StringBuilder
doIndent(0); b ++= "extmodule "; b ++= name; b ++= " :"; s(info)
ports.foreach { p => newLineAndIndent(1); s(p) }
newLineAndIndent(1); b ++= "defname = "; b ++= defname
params.foreach { p => newLineAndIndent(1); s(p) }
case other => doIndent(0); b ++= other.serialize // Handle user-defined nodes
case other =>
Iterator(Indent * indent, other.serialize) // Handle user-defined nodes

private def s(node: Circuit)(implicit b: StringBuilder, indent: Int): Unit = node match {
private def sIt(node: Circuit)(implicit indent: Int): Iterator[String] = node match {
case Circuit(info, modules, main) =>
b ++= "circuit "; b ++= main; b ++= " :"; s(info)
if (modules.nonEmpty) {
newLineNoIndent(); s(modules.head)(b, indent + 1)
modules.drop(1).foreach { m => newLineNoIndent(); newLineNoIndent(); s(m)(b, indent + 1) }
val prelude = {
implicit val b = new StringBuilder // Scope this so we don't accidentally pass it anywhere
b ++= s"FIRRTL version ${version.serialize}\n"
b ++= "circuit "; b ++= main; b ++= " :"; s(info)
Iterator(prelude) ++
modules.iterator.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (m, i) =>
val newline = Iterator(if (i == 0) s"$NewLine" else s"${NewLine}${NewLine}")
newline ++ sIt(m)(indent + 1)
} ++

// serialize constraints
Expand All @@ -281,7 +438,7 @@ object Serializer {
private def newLineNoIndent()(implicit b: StringBuilder): Unit = b += NewLine

/** create indent, inc allows for a temporary increment */
private def doIndent(inc: Int)(implicit b: StringBuilder, indent: Int): Unit = {
private def doIndent(inc: Int = 0)(implicit b: StringBuilder, indent: Int): Unit = {
(0 until (indent + inc)).foreach { _ => b ++= Indent }

Expand Down

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